You Can Get A Hummingbird Feeder That Attaches To Your Hat and It’s The Best Thing Ever
If you are a bird lover, or know a bird lover, this is the ultimate gift!

Well, not an ultimate gift for me since birds scare the poo of of me, unless their chickens of course.
This is a little feeder is made to attach to the bill of your favorite hat or visor.

With this you can get the best up close and personal view of the tiny hummingbirds while they hover while feeding.
One end is shaped to be like a paperclip so it just slides on to your hat to attach and slides off to remove easily when finished.

Just make sure you don’t bend the clip open or it won’t be able to attach securely to your hat.
And get this… you can use your favorite hat.

If you don’t want to wear a hat you can totally use this has a hand held feeder too!
There are 3 red berries added to the feeder that help attract the hummingbirds with a perch for them to land on.

The vial that holds the liquid is easy to slide in and out of the copper coil for cleaning and refilling.

If you are (or know) someone that loves to feed hummingbirds, then this is definitely made for you!
You can order your own hat hummingbird feeder on Etsy!