LEGO Released Sets for Adults That Are Meant To Relieve Stress And Anxiety

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The Lego company is coming out with a new LEGOs kit for every adult.

Courtesy of Lego on YouTube

I kind of didn’t know REGULAR LEGOs were for kids. My whole world is a lie*.

The new LEGO Forma is the 3D answer to the the Adult Coloring Book collections.

Forma is meant to relax, destress, and answer the creative call that we all inherently feel.

Courtesy of Lego

Right now, the Forma design is a fish skeleton. There are various “skins” you can put on this skeleton, including different koi designs and a shark.

When completed, the designs can “swim” with the turn of a crank.

Each design is meant to take about two hours to complete, and is a beautiful design that can be showcased in your home.

You simply start by building the base, and work your way up from there.

The project is currently being crowdfunded on IndieGoGo, and it is doing VERY well.

The Lego Forma design is currently at 1334% of goal, so hopefully we will see these Forma designs drop in stores soon!

I don’t know about you, but I will try anything to reduce the stress in my life. I really couldn’t think of a BETTER way to destress than to build with Legos all day!

You can watch the video describing the Lego Forma below.

Check out how to send your used Lego Bricks back to be recycled! It is a super amazing program that allows your Lego Bricks to go to kids in need.

*I joke. I play legos with my kids all the time. I know they are meant for most ages. Ha!

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  1. Who cares about the way you say it. The pointt is to enjoy them. LEGO lego or legos even legi or legoes

  2. Who cares about the way you say it. The pount is to enjoy them. LEGO lego or legos even legi or legoes

    1. Who cares about the way you say it. The pointt is to enjoy them. LEGO lego or legos even legi or legoes

      1. Who cares about the way you say it. The point is to enjoy them. LEGO lego or legos even legi or legoes

    2. Who cares about the way you say it. The point is to enjoy them. LEGO lego or legos even legi or legoes

  3. Fun fact: the plural for LEGO is LEGO, not LEGOs.

  4. Fantastic idea!
    I love it!
    I miss playing with lego as a kid and this is a brilliant idea.

  5. I never was a huge Lego fan until I hit my 40s. Now I love my Lego sets! My favorite blocks though are Nanoblocks (look them up). I built The Titantic out of them. I guess to some they would increase anxiety due to how tiny they are, but I’ve always enjoyed tedious craft projects. These new sets look cool, but look a bit too easy for me.

  6. No way it takes 2h, in thst time i can build a full lego technic xD

  7. How long is delivery & how much please

      1. Get over it, it’s a minor grammar issue that isn’t even a real issue. Lego is Lego, Legos, or if you’re feeling really spicy Legi for a little bit of flavor. It’s okay to call it something else as long as you enjoy the thing.

      2. Actually, the person prior is correct. And it is LEGO. ALL CAPS. The plural of LEGO is LEGO.