Lindsay Lohan Confirms A ‘Freaky Friday’ Sequel Is Coming and We Are So Ready
Do you realize it has been over TWENTY YEARS since ‘Freaky Friday’ starring Lindsay Lohan and Jamie Lee Curtis was released?

I have seen talks about the sequel since last year, however, nothing I read had confirmed that the two would be reuniting in the sequel… until now!

This past Monday, Lindsay Lohan did indeed confirm that the duo would be returning in the new film and I’m super excited!
It is, I don’t want to say too much.
Lindsay Lohan said on Andy Cohen Live
She also said that they’re both excited, as am I!

The script is currently being worked on by Elyse Hollander of ‘Blonde Ambition’.
Y’all can thank Jamie Lee Curtis for getting this going… she listened to the fans and got to work!

As I went around the world with Halloween Ends, people wanted to know if there was going to be another Freaky Friday. Something really touched a chord. When I came back, I called my friends at Disney and said, ‘It feels like there’s a movie to be made.
Jamie Lee Curtis to the NY Times
What are your thoughts? My daughters and I will DEFINITELY watch!