‘Luca’ Was More Amazing Than I Expected And My Kids Actually Sat Still For It
I’ve been pretty skeptical lately when Disney has come out with new content. Growing up in the 90’s Disney era makes it hard for me to believe that the new stuff could be just as good!

But I was definitely wrong! First of all, Disney+ released Luca for free streaming, and that in itself is amazing! But the movie itself was phenomenal!

In water, Luca is an adorable little sea monster who helps his family by herding the family fish (who act just like sheep!) But he soon realizes, thanks to a new friend, that on land, he turns into a human!

This is a great film to teach your littles acceptance of others. It’s very well made, and I even enjoyed it as an adult. But the best part is that my 2 and 4 year old actually SAT THROUGH IT.

If you haven’t watched this adorable film yet, make sure you take the time to! Your kids are going to love it (and maybe give you a little break!