This Mom Has Gone Viral For Perfectly Describing Motherhood And It’s So Relatable
Motherhood is full of moments. Some are ups, some are downs. There are moments that are glorious, and moments when you can hardly muster the energy to make lunch or put the kids to bed.
You have those times when you feel like super mom — the times when the stars align just right. You make a dinner the kids like, you get smiles and hugs from the littles, or you get the dishes done.
Heck, sometimes you even want to do a little happy dance on the days you manage a shower.

But, there are the inevitable times when you feel like everything you do and touch turns to crap. You feel like you have totally failed as a parent. The kids are throwing tantrums, “NO” is their favorite word of the day, or you clean the front room only to turn around and find it covered in toys.

You end up doing the exact things you swore you would never do. There’s yelling, crying, spanking, and you might even find yourself hiding in the bathroom to get away from it all.
I hate those moments.

But, let’s face it, we all go through them. Whether we like to admit it or not, we ALL have those days.
Kenzi Reddick Is One Mom Who Gets What It’s Like To Live The Parenting Life
There is a mom on Instagram who is going viral for perfectly describing what it’s like to be a mom. She is raw, she is real, and she is 100% on point.
Kenzi Reddick is right in the thick of being a mom. She has a 4 year old and a 1 year old, and she also works full time.
I’m exhausted just HEARING about her life!!
She wrote a very poignant essay that perfectly sums up what it’s like to be a mom.
There are good days & bad days. Highs & lows. The place we are all in is just hard and we are human just trying to figure it out day by day.
One minute I feel productive & like super mom and the next I feel like I’m failing at it all. Today was a low – a valley kind of day.
My kids are normally pretty great and well behaved (for what you can expect from a 4 and 1-year-old whose mom is also juggling working full-time). The moment I get on a conference call, it’s like the diversion of my attention away from them sets them off.
A flip of the switch kind of moment. They don’t understand being asked to be quiet for 30 minutes so mommy can talk or listen. Or to stay out of the trash can. Or to not ask me for a snack for the 50th time. Or too sit still or share.

Today Was A Hard Parenting Day
Today I hung up from a call, closed my computer next to the untouched and slightly cold coffee they spilled all over the counter, shouted at the top of my lungs in frustration and just sat in the kitchen floor and sobbed.

And my kids got to bear witness to it. I documented this because I want to remember the valley as much as I remember the mountain. Because both are what shapes us. And because life isn’t all cupcakes and rainbows.
Some days I feel confident and accomplished and other days I just hope I loved well & hard enough. The good thing is, these babies are resilient and forgiving.
And despite the moments where I am lacking attention or patience, I am still their favorite person.
They knew my frustration was directed to them and they both cried and came directly to hug me. They held me. And Lane kept apologizing for making me sad.
Not my proudest moment as a mama but it was a raw one. And so we sat in the floor and hugged and I apologized and got up and tried again and for today, that is enough.
Sending huge hugs to all you mamas in both your highs & lows. And while they all matter greatly, they all shall pass, too. Here’s to doing our best & here’s to grace.
Thank you, Kenzi, for being real. Thank you for voicing what we are all feeling. Thank you for making it normal and okay to NOT be okay every once in a while.