Olive Garden Sells Their Famous Cheese Graters And I’m On My Way
I’m not sure I’ve ever needed a kitchen gadget so badly in my entire life!
I have been going to the Olive Garden for YEARS, and definitely the best part of the entire meal is the cheese.

The gobs and gobs of fresh grated cheese that cascades over the salads, into the soups, and — of course — over the top of the main course.
I love how they always tell you to let them know when to stop with the cheese.
Like, just keep cranking that hand. Give me all the cheese!
Guess what we just found out. You’re going to want to listen closely. *Happy Dance*

Olive Garden actually sells their cheese graters to customers, and all you have to do is ask.
Think this is too good to be true?
I went to Olive Garden for my birthday and the Never Ending Pasta Bowl, and I asked the waiter, ‘You know, do you guys sell the cheese grater? — And they do!
Bo Gjerness
Bo Gjerness was the first to take to TikTok, letting the world know that she had purchased an Olive Garden cheese grater during a birthday trip to the Italian restaurant.
The claim was corroborated by Jordan the Stallion, who successfully purchased a cheese grater from a manager at his local Olive Garden.
Um — excuse me while I grab my keys and run out the door, headed to the Olive Garden.
I’m definitely having spaghetti for dinner with grated cheese — lots and lots of grated cheese!