People Have Discovered MD 20/20 AKA ‘Mad Dog’ and Gen-X is Having Serious Flashbacks
Just hearing the words “Mad Dog” sent me down an awful trip down memory lane… oh the hangovers I had.

MD 20/20, historically referred to as “Mad Dog” by Gen-X was a staple of our teenage hooliganism. We were and still are a different breed of human.
Recently it seems that the younger generations have found MD 20/20 and it’s currently trending on TikTok.

It was a cheap American fortified wine, it was easy to drink, and it made us invincible… or so we thought. Look, I’m not trying to give anyone ideas here… I’m just being honest about my glory days.

I seriously think that a bottle of ‘Mad Dog’ was less than $2 back then and I think today it’s still pretty cheap at about $4.

It’s a sweet drink and the price for our little broke selves was affordable. One girl tasted it on TikTok and said “That’s dangerous”… yes girl, it is!

The MD of course doesn’t stand for Mad Dog, but for Mogen David, the producer of the drinks.

The 20/20 stood for 20 ounces at 20% alcohol, although now I believe the alcohol content is between 13% and 18% depending on the flavor.
See, even MD 20/20 had to tone it down because no other generation could handle what Gen-X did.

We did some other “dangerous” stuff as well… however, I’m not about to incriminate myself any more than I already have because my own mama and my daughters read this.
Oh man.. wait until they discover Boone’s Farm…