People Have Already Received Their $300 Per Child Tax Payment. Here’s How To Check On Yours.
It is July and that means if you are a parent and are eligible, you’ll be receiving a payment from the IRS for having a child.

Yes, July is the official month when the monthly child tax credit payments will begin being issued.
Payments will be sent monthly on the 15th of every month from July – December 2021.

While the IRS had plans to ensure that people received theirs on or by July 15, 2021, it turns out, people have already received their checks!!

The checks began being sent on July 8, 2021 and were direct deposited to the information the IRS had on file which was likely the same bank account your stimulus check and/or tax refund went to.

So, what do you do if you don’t see the amount in your bank account?
You can actually check the status of your child tax credit payment on the IRS website.
Simply go onto the IRS website here and click “Manage Advance Payments” then login (if you don’t have an account, create one).
Then, view the 2021 account transcript.

Look for the line that says “code 846 refund issued” and you will see the date of 7/8/21 to the right of it. The amount sent will be next to that.
That will tell you if your payment has been sent yet. If you don’t see this, it’s likely your payment has not been sent yet.

BUT remember, the IRS is sending payments actively through the 15th.
So, there you have it, watch your bank account and/or mail for a child tax credit payment.