I Found a Picnik Alternative!

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If you’re a blogger, you probably already know about Picnik. It’s this snazzy little online program that makes it super easy to edit, resize, and write on your images. Problem is, Google bought them a while back and they’ve decided to shut them down.

I think I speak for bloggers everywhere when I say, “Screw you, Google. We freakin’ loved Picnik.”

So, like every other website owner out there, I’ve been scrambling to find the perfect alternative, and I think I’ve got it: Skitch!

Seriously, it’s a pretty cool little program, You download it right to your desktop, (or your iPad or phone apparently– cool!) and it does a LOT of the cool things that Picnik does. You can play with your pictures, draw on them and even write on top of them! The best part is that you aren’t limited to the 25 or so fonts Picnik had– you can use any font you own!
Hopefully they’ll add cool filters and such soon– (If you’re listening, Skitch– Picnik has left a glaring hole you guys are RIPE to fill.)
I took a screenshot of my desktop and did this:

Which is pretty much exactly what I used Picnik for.

So, yaay! Hope it works for you!

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  1. Ribbet! have just announced that they are opening a photo editor that is almost identical to Picnik (built on the same platform). They are giving away a chance to win 1 of 100 free Ribbet Premium memberships if you request an invite on their site:


  2. I loved “Picnik” and miss it a lot. But “Skitch” seems to be just the right alternative, and I hope to fall in love with it as I was with Picnik.

    Thanks for sharing.


  3. Hi Jamie,

    My name is Jenn, I’m part of a team of former-Picnikers. We see that you’ve been an avid user of Picnik and love to hear about your passion for off-the-charts editing capabilities! As you’re looking for an alternative to your old favorite I wanted to let you know about http://www.PicMonkey.com — a new photo editing site built by a couple of the folks who brought you Picnik! It’ll be familiar, fun, and totally user-friendly.

    Sign up on our site and we’ll keep you updated on a launch date. Also, feel free to send me your feedback, feature requests, and, of course, any questions you have!


    1. @Jenn, Oh my gosh! Thanks a zillion. I too run some small website, as a hobby, and loved Picnik. So very happy to see what you’ve come up with so far. Keep it up, and if you really really love us, more fonts. (Especially DIN. It just always works)
      Peace out,

  4. WOOOOOOOOT. I’ve been broken hearted over losing Picnik, tho I’ve totally been taking advantage of their premium for free “apology for sucking so hard” … I’m off to check out Skitch!