School Cafeteria Employees Aren’t Being Sent Home Due to The Coronavirus. Here’s Why
Here is why teachers are being sent home and why some cafeteria workers are not.

Many school districts are closing their doors until the Coronavirus is controlled, however not every school employee is getting a vacation because of it!
Here is what one elementary school lunch lady has to say about the situation!

At first I was mad that I would still have to work when everyone else gets two paid weeks off. But then they explained that the reason food service workers will still be expected to report for work is that we have a lot of kids in our district that qualify for free school lunch.

For a lot of these kids, the food they get at school may be the only meals they get during the week. We have to keep feeding these kids, not only because they deserve to eat, but also because if they aren’t eating, their immune systems will take a hit and they could be more at risk for COVID-19.

Even though I would love two weeks off to rest, I feel proud to be a lunch lady and to be feeding these kids who need it!

I am so thankful that some schools are still providing meals for children in need during school closures.
We should all be reaching out to those less fortunate and trying to make these dark times a little brighter!