Build-A-Bear Just Released A Scooby-Doo Bear
Build-A-Bear now has a Scooby-Doo bear, and you can just put this right on my “MUST HAVE” list!

Have y’all seen the new movie, Scoob? It just came out on May 15th, and it is available to stream from your favorite streaming service — those that carry new movie releases!

How cute is Scooby-doo? Gah! This NEW version is the same Scooby I know from my childhood, but even better.
Just in time for the release of the new movie, Build-A-Bear has the CUTEST Scooby-Doo bear — er, dog — and, I totally need him!

With his signature SD collar, a Scooby-Doo logo on in left foot, and the OFFICIAL BAB logo on his right paw, he is the coolest new member of the Build-A-Bear family!

THIS Scooby includes this Scoob Onesie pajama outfit. You can totally add more super cute t-shirts, shoes, pants, or a plethora of other clothing items to your special Scoob!

He comes loaded up with all your favorite Scooby Doo phrases — and he’s ready to go home with you — er, or your favorite kid.

You can’t forget his Cub Condo! He wouldn’t be a proper Build-A-Bear if you didn’t take him home in style.

You can take YOUR Scoob home right from the Build-A-Bear Website. He runs $49.25, and he comes COMPLETELY stuffed, dressed, and ready to go!!
While you are at the Build-A-Bear website, you have GOT to check out this “Oh! The Places You’ll Go” Bear. It is my absolute favorite thing they’ve ever had!

How do I purchase this