Sprite Lymonade Is Here and It’s The Burst of Flavor Your Mouth Needs
If you like Sprite but want a bit of that lemon-lime flavor your prayers have been answered because Sprite Lymonade Is Here and It’s The Burst of Flavor Your Mouth Needs!

While at my local Kroger affiliate store last night (Smith’s) I came across 12-packs of Sprite’s newest flavor: Sprite Lymonade and I was a bit shocked and excited.

First off, I had no idea this was even a thing so I was really excited.
The drink is described as:
“Lemon-Lime & Lemonade Flavored Soda with real juice and other natural flavors”.

Basically, it is exactly like original Sprite but more of a lemonade flavor – so more of that sour/sweet taste.

It’s actually REALLY GOOD and if you have the chance to get some, try it!

Right now the Kroger stores have the 12-packs on sale 4/$12 ($3 each) through December 25th so take advantage of it and stock up on this lemony-lime goodness while you can.