Hold On To Your Hoagies, Because Subway Says They Are Selling The Business
Hoagies were one of the greatest inventions since sliced bread and if you’re into hoagies every night for dinner, Subway isn’t only selling their sandwiches, but the business too.
So along with your subway footlong, you can own the business as well, with a side of chips.
The sandwich giant which is currently 58 years old says its shareholders are “exploring a possible sale” of the business and have even gone as far as hiring J.P. Morgan to aid with the process.
However, Subway has warned its fans of the footlong that there’s “no indication of timing or assurance that a sale will occur” and the green and yellow chain prefers to stay silent until things are finalized.
And according to the Wall Street Journal, the sandwich shop could be valued in the billions, specifically $10 billion, which would also be considered one of the largest deals in fast food.
With the help of revamping their menus, remolding stores, and international growth, Subway has rebounded in recent years, even if their tuna has been questioned by many.
In fact, Subway made sure to mention that their food shops that have been opened for at least one year in North America have rose 7.8% in sales in 2022, compared to 2021.
Not to mention Subway’s digital growth has also helped double sales compared to 2021, and even new meat slicers are now in the picture for all store locations.
“We were one of the few, if only, sub shop that didn’t slice in restaurant. Not only does it give the guest a better perception of seeing the nice, fluffy meat, but we save a lot of money since we were paying a lot of money to have it sliced upstream,” Subway CEO John Chidsey explained to CNN.
John Chidsey
So if you have about 10 billion dollars and some change, you could have all the hoagies you’ve ever wanted.