Target Has A Baby Narwhal Icee And I Need To Try It
The narwhal obsession is REAL, y’all!

Target snack area now carries Baby Narwhal, PINK ICEEs, and just TRY to keep your kids away! If they are anything like my daughter, they can sense when a narwhal is near, and they will make a beeline to the target snack area!

So, I guess my question is, what exactly does a baby narwhal taste like? Ha!

There aren’t many reviews of this special ICEE yet, so nobody has dropped what the flavor profile tastes like. It’s an ICEE, though. I’ve never ever had a BAD ICEE!
If we think of what flavors a PINK ICEE might be, it could be anything from cotton candy to strawberry. They could even surprise us, and go with a flavor like cherry limeade. We just don’t know!

We can bet it will be sweet and ice cold, and really, that’s all an ICEE needs to be.
One thing is for sure — kids will love it. I will, too — but I’m a big kid, so there’s that.
Also, it’s Target! They have NEVER steered us wrong in the past, so you know it is going to be tasty. It will be worthy of drinking, while you walk through the store and get all the things.
I can’t wait to try this baby narwhal ICEE flavor! I just may need to head over to my Target, get an ICEE, and do some shopping — like I really need an excuse to go to Target.
As ICEE flavors come and go all the time, I’m betting this isn’t a forever flavor. You best head to Target, and get it while you can!
Have you ever wondered why you go into Target, and suddenly need all the things? They do it on purpose, and I’m okay with that. Ha!