This 37-Year-Old Mom Did a Stunt She Couldn’t Do As A Teen and She Is My Hero
Well, we have no more excuses to not do, well, anything. Nicole Clemens has shattered all our excuses. “I’m too old”, “I’m not in shape”, “I don’t have time”, “I am scared” ….. yep – all out the window.
When Nicole was a 14-year-old gymnast she was afraid to do a round off back layout.
I get that. I’m afraid to do a cartwheel.
It caused Nicole to stop taking lessons. It must have been in the back of her mind for a long time because, the now 37-year-old mom and teacher, successfully landed the move and NAILED IT during an adult gymnastics lesson.
Nicole had been taking adult classes for a year when her coach asked her when she was going to level up.
It took her about a month to be ready for the attempt. She says next time she needs to keep her legs straight. I think she did a wonderful job.
Nicole’s original post indicated she was pretty sure she would be fat-shamed after posting the video.
The response was overwhelmingly positive. Everyone seems to appreciate her hard work and courage. Most responses to her post were along the lines of this one …..
Do they make a medal for being inspiring? I searched the internet and this was the best I could find!
Can you imagine her conversations with her students? They will know she understands their fears and perhaps they will be inspired to overcome a fear – even if it’s from years ago. This is the kind of teacher we need.
Nicole is really an ordinary person just like us. She has children, many of you do too. She is a teacher but could be the same profession as you. She coaches her kid in sports, I’ll bet you do too. But she is also a hero.
Someone who conquered her fear and accomplished something many, most, of the rest of us will never do. Personally, I have no intention of trying to do any kind of flip. It would not end pretty.
I can do other things though. I can follow Nicole’s example and set a goal to overcome – something – and inspire the next generation of Wonder Women.
Nicole says that anyone can learn a stunt like her, but you have to be willing to try.
Thank you Nicole! I am so glad there are people like you in the world.