This Website Helps You Find ‘Essential Items’ At Stores In Your Area
OMG! This website is like the Holy Grail of the quarantine lifestyle.

Instok is a new website, that was developed by a group of computer science students at U.T. Austin (Go, Longhorns!). It totally helps you locate items at stores near you, and saves you from driving all over town.

When I came back from college, I realized that my parents were really struggling to find certain grocery items — With social distancing and trying to promote people staying at home instead of going to multiple stores, we thought we should try and see if there’s any solutions that can help people go to less stores.
Rithwik Pattikonda, Developer of

How To Use The Instok Website To Find Essential Items At Stores Near You
Go to the Instok website. Type in what you need, your zip code, and hit ‘Search.’ Bam! Items found!

It brings up stores in your area that have recently received shipments of the much-needed product.

Good Lawd! This is going to save so much time. I have been spending a lot of my day, going from store to store, trying to get things like Toilet Paper, Flour, and Ground Beef.

It is important to note, Instok only gathers information from stores near you. They aren’t responsible if the store sells out before you get there, or if the store incorrectly updates their quantities on their websites.

If an item is not on the shelf, it is possibly at the back or someone must’ve bought the item since inventory was last updated. This is just a tool to guide you in the right direction instead of randomly trying different stores. If you really need an item, call and speak to a store associate in advance. Please do not buy more than you need!

Now, excuse me while I go search for Yeast, Chuck Roast, and Chicken.