
Unicorn Poop Veggie Dip

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We are huge fans of unicorn poop at my house. We’ve made unicorn poop cookies, cupcakes and other sweet rainbow treats, but the other day we were looking for something with a little less sugar and a little more veggie to serve, so we made Unicorn Poop Veggie Dip!

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Oh yeah, we added sprinkles and everything. We used the new Hidden Valley® Greek Yogurt Dips Mix so it was less fat than normal ranch dip, and let me just say that this stuff tastes AMAZING.

What You Need To Make Unicorn Poop Veggie Dip:

  • 1 Packet of Hidden Valley Greek Yogurt Dips Mix
  • 1 of the Big Tubs of Greek Yogurt
  • Food Dye (I like the gel kind, because the colors always turn out more vibrant)
  • SPRINKLES! (Okay, so these are in no way necessary, but we decided that it really added to the unicorn-tastic ness of the dip.)
unicorn poop veggie dip hidden valley ranch

How To Make Unicorn Poop Veggie Dip

1. Mix Together Your Hidden Valley Greek Yogurt Dips Mix Packet and Yogurt.

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It should look like this when it’s good and mixed up.

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Now, divide out your dip into separate bowls so you can dye the dip.

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(I actually had four containers, because at the last minute I decided I needed green in my unicorn poop, too– but you can use whatever colors you want. This would be really pretty in just red and blue for a cool Fourth of July dip!)

Add a few drops of dye to each bowl.

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And stir

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After you’ve dyed the dip, put it into the freezer for fifteen minutes or so to firm up a bit.

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Now, add the dip to a piping bag one color at a time. (Or if you don’t have a piping bag, then just use a gallon baggie.)

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Snip off the tip OVER the bowl you are planning on serving your dip in. (Because it will probably start coming out almost immediately.)

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Now, swirl it all around the dip bowl.

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Add some sprinkles, and you’ve got an awesome dip that will make all the kids giggle!

unicorn poop facebook

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Hidden Valley – Greek. The opinions and text are all mine.

 Want more fun with unicorn poop? Check out these 30 Ways to Make Unicorn Poop!

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  1. I think this is totally awesome. I am gonna have it for my daughter’s birthday party goes with our theme and looks so festive. Love geek yogurt

  2. This is hilarious! We’re having a slightly-belated St. Patrick’s Day celebration tomorrow, so I’ll use green food coloring and substitute Lucky Charms for the sprinkles and call it Leprechaun Poop Dip.

  3. I will try with my son who has Autism. He may love it or just look at it and say No. let’s see!

  4. Rainbow Pasta! It looks tasty, would be fun to play with, and involves spaghetti. That’s a win for mom!

  5. Blahahaha! I’m so saving this for my daughters birthday. She’s in mind dale school and is always talking about unicorns. Haha.

    1. Mind dale? Or did you mean middle? Haha sorry I am an English teacher.