If You Were Born Before 1989 You Need Another Measles Vaccine. Yours Won’t Work

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News regarding the Measles Outbreak has been all over the news recently and with good reason.

You Need Another Measles Vaccine

According to the CDC, Measles is highly contagious and spreads through coughing and sneezing.

Common measles symptoms

Measles starts with fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, and sore throat. It’s followed by a rash that spreads over the body.

Measles has serious and severe complications ranging from permanent brain damage to death.

Measles can be serious and you should be prepared

Kids and the elderly are at the highest risk and experts are urging parents to get their kids vaccinated if they haven’t been already.


If you weren born before 1989, you need another measles vaccine

In the U.K., more than half a million British children are unvaccinated and in America, the problem seems to be even worse, with the U.S. suffering the worst outbreak of measles since the disease was all-but eradicated from the country in the early 2000s.

the Measles Vaccine protects you and your family


Aside from kids, if you or someone you know was born before 1989, they may need to receive a second Measles vaccine.

Do you need another measles vaccine? here's what you need to know

The current ‘MMR’ vaccination is a triple jab designed to inoculate against Measles, Mumps and Rubella.

But in the 1980s, the MMR was taking off as the first defense and many only received one jab. And, according to Gizmodo, even the MMR vaccine from the early 80s isn’t ‘perfectly effective.’

are you in need of another measles vaccine? Here's what you should know

Therefore, anyone that was born before 1989 and received this single vaccine, may need to receive another to fully protect themselves.

If you’re uncertain whether or not you should receive a current MMR vaccine, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss.

the Measles vaccine is a life saving vaccine

You can also get a titer which identifies the amount of antibodies in a person’s blood and tells you whether or not you’ll need a second dose.

But medical professionals say that is kind of a waste of money, you are better off just getting a MMR vaccine. It’s not really that big of a deal to have one, and why go through more tests and such than is necessary.

Measles Vaccines help keep your child and other children safe

With my husband being born in 1988, I plan to make him an appointment STAT to ensure he’s up to date and fully vaccinated.

You may need another measles vaccine if you were born before 1989

And if you are someone who respects the opinion of the president, even he says you should vaccinate your kids:

If you have two documented doses of MMR, the CDC states that it counts a fully protected regardless of titers for measles and no need for further vaccination.

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  1. Question?
    Who isn’t getting all the measles? Americans or is it people here illegally or foreign visitors?
    What research gives the data to your answers. Thank you

  2. you can’t boost immunity with the vaccine. Studies have already demonstrated this. ” To mitigate the decline in measles virus antibody titers in IVIGs and to ensure consistent product release, revaccination of plasma donors was investigated as a means to boost titers. However, revaccination-induced titer increases were only about 2-fold and short-lived.” The vaccine is the cause of the outbreaks because it has eroded herd immunity.
    This push to get everyone vaccinated is about money, not public health. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28968738?fbclid=IwAR2lPlGzR8ndstf1EweotkZIdBLSSNCrcdZ4Rzq7HxmXqCesWDIlPKq5y7Q

  3. What do you do if your insurance want pay second shot for adults. Drugstore wants $100.00

    1. Measles can be treated with Vitamin A and rest. I’d say that’s cheaper than a $100 shot that does NOT guarantee lifelong immunity.

  4. Alot of people wont agree with me but i have done alot of research into this and other things as ive had issues first hand and all i can say is research real information on Agenda 21 and think for urself n i bet my life u will change ur mind as i did✌


  6. hi I WAST BORN IN 1968 AND MY BOYFRIENDd wast born in 1960 do we need this vaccine please let me no thank you

  7. I was born in 1957 we didnt have vaccines then. we got all the diseases ive had the measles mumps and rubella had the chicken pox and then got shingles from having the chicken pox we all got the small pox vaccine in school and they called the measles we got German measles which took a tole on my eyesight

  8. People buy antivirus for their computers but wont protect their children ..SMH


  9. Thank you but no thank you. I would run the titer test before I inject myself with 3 doses of toxic laden vaccines. Aborted fetal cells containing someone’s DNA..
    And research shows that measles contraction is from a vitamin A deficiency. So I will approach my and my childrens health with a holistic approach and run yearly bloodwork and keep on top of there health. Never in 20 years of parenting have we had to use antibiotics. Healthy, whole and vaxx free!!

      1. shes listened to the people out there bad mothing the vaccines she should do her research about the aborted fetal cells in the vaccines

      2. The mmr vaccine so bad, Japan made it illegal and banned it from their 150 million people due to the observed damage it caused! But what does “Japan know?!”

        They only have the lowest vaccination schedule, banned the mmr and and such have the lowest infant mortality rate in the developed world, while the usa has the highest vaccination schedule and 300% more babies dying before btheir first birthday in than the Japanese.

        Lol the real question is what do you think the vaccine is?!

        Measles had a survival rate of 99.9998% that’s a death rate of 1 in 500,000 in the usa, since 1960 before the measles vaccine was even invented!

        Nuf said!

      3. Prior to the measles vaccine in 1963, there was 2.6 million deaths each year from measles. In 2000 it was down to just over half a million per year. By 2017 it was down to about 100,000.

    1. Parents who do not have their children vaccinated are reasons why there are outbreaks!! Now I have to worry about my grandchildren who are under the age of one contacting these diseases because of stupidity!!

    2. Wow. Because of idiots like you, children are dying of ancient diseases which we already have vaccines for. With all the advancement is medical field, all the vaccines created to save the population, you decided to go back to Stone Age. And you are bringing your family with you. What a horrible person.

      1. Ya we only survived millions of years to 1.5 billion people before vaccines were invented!

        And diseases like measles in 1960 had a survival rate of 99.9998% aka a death rate of 1 in 500,000 lol

        That’s BEFORE the vaccine was invented.

        There are two types of people “pro vaxxers” who simply repeat the lies they were told and have no clue about vaccinations or their history or their effectiveness or their side effects.

        And “anti vaxxers” who almost always do their own research. Know what’s in vaccines, know how other country’s handle them. Know the side effects and realize the risk vs beneft.

        And the pro vaxxers rely on insults and repeating lies they were told by people making money off them.

        Lol but they “think” they “know” meanwhile when asked any technical question they really have no clue. Like any cult. Bond belief without proff

      2. Prior to the measles vaccine in 1963, there was 2.6 million deaths each year from measles. In 2000 it was down to just over half a million per year. By 2017 it was down to about 100,000.

    3. Yes…..have you heard of herd immunity?? We are all protecting you , your time is coming no doubt to get something nasty. And yes, I’m a nurse and have seen a 39 year old mother of two die from tetanus!

    4. I hope your children aren’t in public schools or out in the public! If they contract measles you will regret your decision not to vaccinate! I hope you children never contract the measles in their lifetime but they probably won’t be that lucky if it continues on the path it’s going! Each year will be worse than the last!

  10. I was born in UK in 1984 and got MMR in school, do I need to get it again? ? I feel very strongly pro vaccinations, I feel that parents should be made aware if there are unvaccinated kids sharing a class. My girl is nearly 3 yrs & I’d hate to think that her nursery is a hostile environment. She’s picked up & brought home many bugs, which is to be expected, but life altering pathogens such as measles, mumps & rubella are a Different story… Should I born in 1984 be looking into a top up vaccination?

    1. I looked this up myself – I was born in 1983 so had the single dose measles jab. In 1994 there was an MMR catch up program in primary schools but I left the year it started. So if you were born the year after me, you would have had the single dose measles, followed by MMR booster in primary school. I’m booked in for my MMR in a couple of weeks!

    2. Get your gp to do a blood test and test your immunity.
      I’m an immunisation nurse, and this is what I recommend you do

    3. If you’re child has been immunized, why would you be worried about your child catching a disease at school?

      1. To achieve herd immunity for measles at least 90-95% of the population need to be vaccinated.

  11. Consider removing the link to the article “6 reasons not to vaccinate your child” in an article about the importance of getting the MMR vaccination.

  12. LMAO “respects the opinion of the president” seriously?!?! Who in the hell is that?

  13. I saw a news report this morning that said if you were vaccinated prior to 1965 you would need the shot or booster.

    1. Misty I saw something on the news too but I thought it said before 1965 was good anything from 1965 to ? was needing to get it and now this says anything before 1986 needs them this is crazy. When my kids went to the doctors for shots they got the MMR shot I just don’t get why we all need it again if we already had it done!….nuts!

      1. Money money money!

        They are running around chasing their tails pretending this vaccine provides full permanent protection. The measles vaccine is not 100% in fact even with 2 doses is 97% and that is only within a certain number of years before the immunity from the vaccine wanes. . Further Merck is currently being sued over fraudulent claims around the vaccine efficacy. You will see there are a lot of mumps cases in fully vaccinated individuals. Additionally the forget to mention the vaccine sheds the virus as well and you can get the lab strain from the jab they just call it a measles like rash?‍♀️

      2. If everyone would vaccinate their children in the first place we would be fine!!! I am 67 years old & I had all my shots & I had a light case of all the above mentioned cases!! I was very young & I have never had a problem!! If they would stop all these people coming into the United States with every disease
        know & unknown, all this could be stopped!!!! We never had so much bad disease until every sort of people from who knows where bring it to us!!!!!’
        Should all be vaccinated before can come into United States ?? ??????????????????♥️♥️♥️

  14. Yeah I had measles as a child…It was terrible…But better than adult onset..Get your shot

  15. I had the measles shot when I was young. Had a baby in 1994, they gave me the shot again, had a baby in 1996, no shot, had a baby in 1998, and had to get it again as they said the vaccine didn’t take.

    Is this common?

    1. Born in ‘74 here…
      I’m sure I was vaccinated as a child but when pregnant with my 2nd child, in 2004, they said I needed the MMR vaccine.
      Two of the three nurses on duty refused to give it, I assume because I was pregnant at the time. The third nurse did give it so I assume I’m covered.

  16. My son was born in 1988. He received the mmr vaccine at 2, 4 and 6 months as well as a booster when he turned 5, just before entering kindergarten.

    1. MMR is not given until 12 months old, so if he got it at 2,4 and 6 months then it was an error X3

    2. MMR is not to be given under the age of 6 months. I dont understand why he got it so young!

  17. This is a false headline. Recently, I got checked for my MMR antibodies. I have plenty to fight off this outbreak. I was vaccinated in 1965.

  18. What if you had the measles as a child? I’m 61 years old and have MS, so I know my immune system is compromise, do I need yo vaccinate again?

    1. If you have had measles you DO NOT need a vaccination!

  19. My wbc count is extremely high and I CANNOT get this shot again! Nor will I!
    My doctor has said absolutely NO!
    I’m allergic to eggs and dairy!
    So keep on! And just for the record, America DOES NOT have the worst case! Sorry bout your luck! Thanks!

    1. You are exactly the reason why all of the rest of us should get vaccinated. So we don’t get you sick!

    2. Once you have had the measles you are immune to it for life!

  20. He can get the vaccine. People who are allergic to eggs CANNOT get the flu shot.

    1. You can now get the flu shot if your allergic to eggs. They made one especially for that reason. I don’t know about MMR shot.

  21. What if your child was allergic to eggs when he was young. He could not have the measles shot. He was born in 1981. He is 38 years old now. Thank you,

    1. Allergy to eggs only matters for the flu shot, NOT MMR. And even now, there are non-allergenic flu shots available. His allergy should not prevent him from being vaccinated.