7-Eleven’s Famous ‘Bring Your Own Cup Day’ is Back and I Can Feel The Brain Freeze Already
With spring in full bloom and summer on its way, it’s safe to say that Slurpee Season is here!
To kick off the slowly approaching dog days of summer, 7-Eleven has officially set the date for their annual “Bring Your Own Cup Day”.

And you should think of this day like a challenge, because it’s the one day out of the entire year where you can pack as much of their frozen, sugary drinks in the largest cup or container you can find at home.
Notice how I mentioned the word container, too.

Now if you’re new to this “holiday” that 7-Eleven celebrates every year, let me give you some key advice.
The convenient store encourages thirsty patrons who want a taste of summer before it beings to find the largest cup or item you have in the house that you’re willing to get sticky.

Anything that can hold their famous Slurpees is accepted as a cup over at 7-Eleven on this celebrated event.
So that means your cowboy hat or the large watering can you have stored at home will be allowed at 7-Eleven chains to stuff under the Slurpee nozzle to pump as much as the sugary drink as you wish!

Although with that being said, you must be confident that whatever item you bring item will fit under the 10-inch hole that 7-Eleven will have on display in-stores, of course the item must also be clean, watertight, and leak-proof.
Limited to one cup or watering can per person, 7-Eleven’s annual Bring Your Own Cup Day is set to be on April 13th!