You Can Get A Cooling Blanket That Absorbs Heat to Keep You Cool While You Sleep

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I’m looking forward to going camping soon. My biggest issue with camping in Texas is how dang hot it get’s in a tent at night in Texas.

But, I’m one of those people that has to sleep with a blanket. Eek!

I found this super cool blanket that absorbs your body heat to keep you feeling cooler at night! Perfect for me when we go camping!

At home I stay cold because my husband runs the air conditioner at freezing temperatures.

This would be great for those of you that are always hot though! It is perfect for adults as well as kids.

It is 100% cotton and uses special Japanese Q-Max 0.4 cooling fibers. This is what makes it absorb your body heat. It also keeps you dry, again perfect for camping!

It’s double sided with 80% Mica Nylon and 20% PE Cool Fabris on one side and then 100% Cotton on the other. The Cotton side is the side you use against your body.

It’s a pretty good size at 59″ x 79″, so it will fit a twin or full-sized bed. Totally perfect for travel at that size!

Washing it is easy! It is machine washable, you just need to put it in a net laundry bag to keep it from getting damaged.


You can purchase your own right now on Amazon with free shipping for only $47.99! Use promo code UMNW5I6C for 10% off.

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  1. search @arc_chill on instagram to see their latest products and discount codes

  2. Valerie Carter a Queen or king sized blanket, how much for those sizes??

  3. When I looked this item up and this size it said $55.99 instead of $47.99. Wish it was still the lower price.

    1. I just looked. The smaller one for twin is the cheaper price.