Enola Holmes Is Everything I Want My Daughter To Be
If you haven’t watched Enola Holmes on Netflix, drop what you’re doing right now and go watch it.

Enola Holmes is played by Millie Bobby Brown which you may know as Eleven from Stranger Things.
Let me just say, she is AMAZING and honestly, Enola Holmes is everything I want my daughter to be.

Enola Holmes is sophisticated.
She is fierce.
She is smart.
She is brave.

She knows exactly what she wants.
But most of all, she never stops fighting for what she believes in.

In a world full of madness, my only hope is that I can raise my daughter to have all of these qualities.

We need to raise our daughters to fight for what they believe in even when all odds seem against them.
Our daughters are our future and I fully intend to raise my daughter to make the world, the future a better place.
Enola Holmes is an amazing show and I think is someone our daughters can look up to!