This Flamingo Light Is The Perfect Way to Add A Little Pink Into Your Life and I Need One
Are you looking for a unique lighting option? Do you love flamingos? If so, this is the cutest thing! It is an LED light that has 3 colorful flamingos on it!

This would be perfect in a bedroom! It is a soft light that is not harmful to your eyes. I love the light in my bedroom to be soft and not bright, a more relaxing light. I like bright lights left for the kitchen and bathrooms.

It is such an artistic eye catching piece! Way more than just a light right? It would look amazing in a kids playroom!
Since it is an LED light it will also save you some money on your electric bills.

It is an Energy Class A++ ],White,Ø60CM/50W. The light is also dimmable, which is also a great feature for use in your bedroom.
It also has 3 colors of light type settings! You can adjust this to the perfect lighting to what is pleasing to you. You can choose warm light 3000K, neutral light 4500K, white light 6000K.

It even has a handy dandy remote control to use to get that perfect lighting without getting up again.

It measures 18cm high and 42cm wide. It is white with flamingo pink! It is made of iron, acrylic, and resin.

Since it is acrylic, it makes it easy to clean. That is super important to me because I don’t like to have to work hard cleaning things, just a tad lazy in that department. You can get your own on Amazon for $215.50!