There Will Be A Full ‘Strawberry Moon’ Tonight. Here’s How You Can Watch It.
Today is the day of the 2020 lunar eclipse folks! Also known as the “Strawberry Moon Eclipse”, this lunar eclipse has a special meaning behind it!
The name comes from the Algonquin tribes of Native Americans in North America. The full moon was a sign for them to harvest wild strawberries during this time, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac.
So I’m sure you’re asking right about now, what time can I see the lunar eclipse today? Well, that depends on your time zone!
The full moon’s peak will happen around 3:12 this afternoon, Eastern Standard Time. However, the full moon technically won’t be visible until dusk.
You can visit this website, to find out what time is best for you to view the lunar eclipse depending on where you live.
Keep in mind that the full moon will visible for about three days, up until Sunday morning. CNN meteorologist Judson Jones says,
“For the best impression, take a look not at peak time but while the moon is still low on your horizon.”
CNN meteorologist Judson Jones
So, remember to look up at the sky, take in the beauty of the Strawberry Moon Eclipse and don’t forget that there will also be a solar eclipse later on this month!