Are you a Gambler?

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On Saturday night, I went tot he casino with girlfriends. Now–to be clear, we’re not talking flashy lights on the Vegas strip. Heck, we aren’t even talking old timey steamboats on the river of Shreveport.

When you first arrive, you pull up to a big fancy building. It has sparkling lights and stretches over a mile long.

Looks pretty cool, right? The thing about gambling is… it’s all in your perception.If you drive around to the back–you’ll discover a whole new angle.

Oh my freak. That was all just covering up a giant tent? Seriously, half the casino is housed in a tent, and the other half is made from pre-fab metal–but from the highway, you’d never know that. Heck, if you didn’t drive around back you’d never know it! On the inside, it’s shiny and sparkly, there are color changing fountains with greek statues and lavish crystal dragons hanging from the ceiling.

What lesson does this teach me? I’m not really sure–a slot machine is a slot machine, and I still had a blast…

But, seriously, what’s up with the tent?

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  1. HAHAHAHAHA! That is hilarious. WOW. Well, I’m not a gambler (unless the lottery has rolled over a few times), so I won’t be a total buzzkill; I’ll just say, I’m glad you had such a blast, and thanks for the laugh! (My dad lives in Vegas; I am SO sending this to him!)