Hayden Christensen Is Returning To Play Darth Vader In The New Obi-Wan Series
Disney is on FIRE today with the announcements!

First, they announced the new Ahsoka series coming to Disney+ and now, they have confirmed that Hayden Christensen Is Returning To Play Darth Vader In The New Obi-Wan Series!!
It has been about a year since we told you all about the new Obi-Wan Series coming to Disney+ and we are finally getting more details about the series!
Disney revealed the news Thursday during an investor presentation, where the company also announced its plans for upcoming movie releases — both theatrical and streaming on Disney Plus.
One of those announcements was the return of Hayden Christensen.
He starred as Anakin Skywalker in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith and eventually became Darth Vader.
In this new series, his character will be a more developed version of Darth Vader, and he will once again run into his former master.
OMG isn’t that exciting?!
I don’t know if there is anything recent I’ve seen him in so it’ll be exciting to see him make a comeback!!
So, are you excited about this new series? I sure am!! The force is strong with these movies and I can’t wait!!