If My 12-Year-Old Gets The Logic Behind Wearing Face Masks, You Should Too
I have so many friends who just want to fight me on the face mask issue. I don’t even want to argue with them; I just want to live my life, and not get sick.

My little immediate family wears our masks in public, but we are about the only ones in our small town to do so.

We get looked at funny CONSTANTLY. We get comments from strangers, like it’s anyone’s business, “You are just living in fear. Trust God.”

God didn’t raise me to be blind. I was given a brain and free will for a reason.

After our last foray into the public world, my 12-year-old daughter had a few questions.

“I don’t understand. I don’t wear my mask to protect me, as much as I wear it to protect those around me. The masks are to stop the spread to other people, they aren’t really to protect you,” she said without prompting. “I don’t understand why others don’t have the courtesy to think about those around them.”

I just let her talk.

“I mean, I’m not worried about ME getting the virus, as much as I’m worried about you (I’m immune compromised), and Grammy and Grampy getting it.”

I almost started crying. This innocent child gets it. We haven’t even really talked to her about wearing masks. She just wears hers to protect others.

In fact, if I am about to leave the house, and I forget my mask, she will stop me. “Mommy, you have to take a mask,” she will gently remind me.

Tonight, she was almost in tears as she went on about how people just don’t understand. If we just wear the masks, and practice social distancing like we are supposed to, this virus will be gone so much faster.

Preach young one. Preach.

Everyone who is so adimate and dead set against not wearing masks, what if you’re wrong. What if wearing a mask can protect your parents. What if wearing a mask can protect that immune compromised person you don’t even realize you are standing next to at the store.

I may be in the wrong. Mask wearing may not help at all (although people MUCH smarter than me say we should utilize them). But, I’d rather wear one, and be on the safe side, than NOT wear one, and possibly get someone sick.

It’s not about who’s wrong and who’s right. It’s about working TOGETHER to eradicate this virus that has infected the world.