The Lyrid Meteor Shower Is About To Peak. Here’s When To Venture Outside To Watch It.
If you believe that wishing upon a star will make your dreams come true, mark your calendars.
The next meteor shower to decorate the sky is at the end of THIS MONTH, which gives us sky gazers another reason to look up at the cosmos.

Right after the great solar eclipse which was only visible to North America, the Lyrid Meteor Shower has one upped the eclipse of 2024 and why?
Well that’s because this meteor shower will be available for nearly everyone around the world to see!

Fun fact, the Lyrid’s are one of the oldest known meteor showers to date, and we’re going to give you the best tips to increase your chances on watching these soaring meteors.
Named from the nearby constellation Lyra, the Lyrid Meteor Shower is one of the four major meteor showers that occur annually.

And according to NASA, you’ll want to choose an area that’s separate from city or street lights.
You’ll also want to lie flat on your back with your feet facing east before looking up at the sky for the best viewing chances.

But most importantly, be patient!
After lying in the dark for about 30 minutes, your eyes should adapt and you should begin to see the stunning meteors chase each other above.

This year’s Lyrid Meteor Shower is active now until April 25, but will be peak during the morning hours of April 23 according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac.
Now we know that’s a Tuesday and we all have work, but it’s totally worth it to set your alarm to wake up a few hours earlier to catch a shooting star or two.