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The One Thing That Separates a Good Christmas Movie From A Great Christmas Movie

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I am somewhat of a Christmas movie connoisseur. I start pounding them back the second I turn off my porch on Halloween night, and I don’t stop until the wise men arrive to see baby Jesus in early January.

And as such, I have discovered that while there are some good Christmas movies out there, there are also some really truly great ones. Most Christmas movies share a lot of the same plot troupes and stereotypes, but not all of them. In fact, there is only one difference that can and always will be spotted when looking for the difference between a good Christmas Movie and a great one…

Is it the uptight main character/loosey goosey love interest?

It doesn’t really matter one way or the other. Either the main character has a stick up their you know what, or the love interest does– there is no way they’re both landing at the same plot point on the laid back graph.

And while the uptight to loosey ratio in a main character Christmas love plot is pivotal to the success of a Christmas story these days, I would argue that it isn’t just the difference between a good and great Christmas movie. It is, in fact the deciding factor in a movie actually being a Christmas movie at all. Without it, no amount of tinsel and twinkly lights will turn that banger into a Joyous Noel.

Is it the parents that just don’t understand?

Parents are plot points in every Christmas movie ever, don’t get me wrong. They never understand what you’re going through. Either they are of the evil stepmom variety or the nurturing and kind but complete idiot, you know they won’t be offering any actual help or assistance and will possibly offer varying degrees of difficulty into the plot depending on the seriousness of the story line.

Which begs to wonder, is there a level of seriousness required to make a Christmas movie great?

Absolutely not. Movies can touch on light hearted tales like becoming the princess of a land famous for pears or a story of a Prince who just lost his father and now has to rule a kingdom he doesn’t know he’s ready for. Both of these movies are great Christmas movies, and not for their level of seriousness, but we are getting somewhere. We are finally getting to what separates the really truly amazing Christmas movies from the one you watch on Thursday night because you can’t find the remote and you don’t really want to move the laundry basket off the couch to look.

And that my friends, is a Royal Coronation.


That’s right.

Name me a great Christmas movie that doesn’t have a Royal Coronation.

The Christmas Prince

Princess Diaries (I will fight you on this. It is and always will be a Christmas movie.)

A Princess For Christmas

The Princess Switch (Vanessa Hudgens was magical in this. I will also fight on this. I have a lot of anger around this subject in particular. I am sorry about that.)


Once Upon A Prince

A Royal Christmas

Royally Ever After

The Knight Before Christmas (Again, my girl Vanessa Hudgens brings GAME to Christmastime.)

Once Upon A holiday

Crown For Christmas

It can’t be done.


So, if you want to skip the regular Christmas movies this year, and elevate your watching game, then make sure your story includes some sort of royalty, so your coronation chances will be greatly improved.

Happy Watching!

Photos courtesy of Deposit Photos.

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