Pringles is Releasing A ‘Pickle Rick’ Flavor From ‘Rick and Morty’ and I Need It
If you are a fan of Rick and Morty you are going to dig this – Pringles is Releasing A ‘Pickle Rick’ Flavor and it’s sort of a big dill. Ha.

To pay homage to the viral hit episode “Pickle Rick”™—in which mad scientist Rick Sanchez turns himself into a pickle to avoid family therapy—Pringles is launching a special edition, collectable Pickle Rick flavor inspired from the award-winning series. These crisps hit shelves coast to coast timed around the Big Game, but only in our universe (C-137).

The limited edition Pringles can in Pickle Rick flavor will be available in the snack aisle of grocery stores nationwide beginning in early February.
“We want to do something completely new for the brand for the 2020 Big Game and are thrilled to be partnering with Adult Swim and Rick and Morty, a show which continues to grow in popularity year after year and enjoys a cult fan following,” said Gareth Maguire, senior director of marketing for Pringles. “We hope the new special edition Pickle Rick flavor will be a hit with the show’s fans.”

The press release doesn’t specify what the flavor will be but I am guessing it will be a pickle flavor. Maybe with a bit of spices? Who knows but I am excited to give them a try!