My First Roller Derby Practice

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Last Thursday, I went to my first Roller Derby practice with the North Texas Derby Revolution at the House of Quad. That’s right– I want to skate around in circles, while other women much bigger and stronger than me try to knock me on my ass.

There’s just one problem. I can’t skate.

At all.

I suited up all proper like (no, I don’t mean fishnets and booty shorts– I mean knee pads, elbow pads, wrist pads, etc.) and then it was time to put on my skates.

Well, as soon as I put on my skates I started rolling. I don’t know why, I mean I’ve been on skates before, but never Derby skates. But I did, I just rolled right across the floor. Right into one of the instructors. She was kind enough to let me lean on her to stop the rolling though.

Then, they decided we needed to learn to fall. I assumed that I’d be doing plenty of that on my journey to learn to skate… but I wasn’t in charge, so I slid across the floor on my knee and tried to get up off the floor in skates. I actually did okay with the first couple of falls, and was surprised to learn the pads made it so the falls didn’t hurt.

After that awesome adventure, it was time for more instruction. I stood with the other “fresh meat” listening, trying not to roll, and then it happened. My skates slipped right out from under me, banana peel style, and I fell straight on my ass.

That’s when the Angel of Roller Derby, Reckless, came to help me. She taught me to skate back and forth and back and forth while all the others worked on their falling. She talked to me about roller derby, and she even gave me her water.

She’s my hero. And she’s why I’ve been on skates every single day since I left that place. Tomorrow, I’ll go back to practice, and I’ll be slightly better.


Because Roller Derby is the most fun I’ve ever had.

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  1. So proud of you for working on your mad skating skilz ALL WEEK LONG. WooHoo! The next time I see you you’ll probably tell me you’ve been skating in your sleep!!! I fully expect you to join the league next Thursday. Love your enthusiasm and determination. See you soon!

    1. @Reckless Housewife, haha I am TOTALLY joining next week. As long as I don’t have to come up with a derby name yet. That is, like, so much pressure! 🙂

  2. I swear I commented on this last night…..your blog hates me 🙁

  3. Always remember where you started along your journey! We’ll see you tonight! 😉

  4. I love this post. Reckless is amazing. I hope to see more of you.


  5. I love watching roller derby! Thats so cool! What an awesome and fun thing to do 🙂 more blog posts about learning to derby! Lol

  6. Hey! Want me to come do it with you? I’m all crippled and stuff, so it might be pretty humorous. I’m already up there 3 times a week with Morgan. I have always wanted to do it and now that you are there, maybe I should????