You Can Get A Selfie With A Giant Elf On The Shelf This Holiday Season
This takes the Elf on the Shelf to a whole new level.
Did you know this exists?
There is a ginormous Elf on the Shelf, located in Arizona, and your kids are going to FREAK.
This little giant guy is located on the Frank Lloyd Wright Spire, and is situated on the southeastern corner of Scottsdale Rd and Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd, in Scottsdale Arizona.
It has been erected in the heart of the Scottsdale Promenade shopping center, and just might be the biggest Elf on the Shelf ever to exist.
Can you just imagine driving to work every day, seeing this guy, and remembering you forgot to move your Elf on the Shelf from the previous night? LOL!
Y’all. This Frank Lloyd Wright Spire is internally illuminated, so it glows with 142 eight-foot lamps at night.
I’m not sure if that’s totally cool — or perhaps totally terrifying.
You can actually pull into the Scottsdale Promenade mall area, park your car, and walk up and around this giant elf structure.
I see a million selfies with Elfie in the near future!