Seniors Are Wearing Kids’ Backpacks To School This Year For A New Trend and We Are Loving It
Seniors across the country are buying kids’ backpacks for back to school, and it’s not as weird as it sounds.
The seniors are really bringing it full circle, and they are getting all up in their feels.
Why are seniors wearing kids’ backpacks to school?
The whole purpose for the whimsical backpacks is to remind them how far they’ve come in 13 years.
It’s about being nostalgic for their younger selves, and honoring the milestone of making it all the way to the 12th grade.
All of the kids — boys and girls — they all get this little kid backpack for their senior year to take them back to kindergarten [and] first grade. The kind of backpack they would wear back then to graduate high school in, man. It’s like full circle.
This is happening all across the country — not just in a regional location.
It kinda makes me wish I were a senior again! How fun!!
As you can guess, these teenagers are taking this very seriously, wanting to get the PERFECT backpack that matches their personality.
Looking for some cute kids’ backpacks? We got you. Read on.
Kids' Backpacks For Seniors