Snoop Dogg’s Ice Cream Is Here and I Cannot Wait to Try It
Did you know that Snoop Dogg makes ice cream?
Well, he doesn’t actually get in there and churn it himself. He has ice cream under his food label, Dr. Bombay.
There are seven flavors of Dr. Bombay headed to Walmart stores next week, and you’re going to want to try them all.
First up is S’more Vibes. It’s described as marshmallow ice cream with fudge bites, cocoa crisped rice, and graham cracker swirls.
Then there is Cocoa Cream Cookie Dreams. This ice cream is a chocolate milk ice cream, with chocolate chip cookies, and a chocolate chip cookie swirl.
There is the one I’m dying to try: Syrupy Waffle Sundaze. It’s waffle ice cream, with waffle pieces, and a brown sugar butter syrup swirl.
Get ready for Rollin’ in the Dough. Described as cookie ice cream, with chunks of cookie dough, choco flakes, and chocolate chip cookie swirls.
You can get Bonus Track Brownie. It’s a vanilla ice cream, with chunks of brownie dough, brownie brittle, and a fudge swirl.
Don’t forget Iced Out Orange Cream. This ice cream is vanilla ice cream and orange sherbet, with icy orange swirls.
Last up, we have Tropical Sherbet Swizzle for those that like sherbet better than ice cream. This delicious icy treat is orange sherbet with tropical pineapple swirls.
I can’t wait! Check out your local Walmart starting next week for this Snoop Dogg Dr. Bombay ice cream.
Pssst. Here’s a little secret. This Dr. Bombay ice cream has dropped early into some Walmart stores. Go check it out.