Spirit Halloween Is Selling A Hauntress Animatronic That’s Wicked Creepy
This is super creepy …
You can get this life-sized Hauntress Animatronic that screams and jumps to the left and right, and you’re about to scare the crap out of all those Trick or Treaters.

Emily was the most beautiful girl in town, but when the plague came, she could not live with the thought of having her beautiful skin disfigured by boils and scars.
Spirit Halloween
I love that this Hauntress has her own backstory. It really makes her come to life in a creepy way!

She selfishly hurled herself from the rocky cliffs at the edge of her village, leaving her family left to fend alone. Her soul now lies in torment between the living and dead.
Spirit Halloween
Emily the hauntress is IR sensor activated, is step pad compatible, and also voice activated. So, there are multiple ways to activate her jump screams.

The Hauntress must now feed on the fear her horrible visage evokes of anyone unlucky enough to see her.
Spirit Halloween
This wicked cool hauntress is a life-sized 5 foot 4 inches tall, and she is poseable into different positions.
She comes with a 6V2A adapter, and a long 6 foot cord which you will need to plug in.

It’s important to note that you will want to set her up in a covered area. She is not made to stay out in the rain and snow.
Wouldn’t Emily the hauntress be PERFECT for your DIY haunted house?!?

She is only going to set you back $130, and you can use her year after spooky year.
To get your own Hauntress Animatronic, just head on over to the Spirit Halloween website.