‘The Great British Bake Off’ Is About To Drop A New Season On Netflix And I Can’t Wait
A new season of The Great British Bake Off is about to drop onto Netflix, and my nerdy food watching self just *Squeed* in delight!

Am I the only one who is obsessed with baking shows? I’d like to blame it on the quarantine, but let’s get real, I binge watched Food Network shows before binge watching was the cool thing to do.

I have missed the Food Network SO much since we cancelled cable at my house! My TV watching has definitely not been the same!
LUCKILY, Netflix has just about a ton of baking shows to watch, so my foodie television obsession can continue.

One of the BEST baking shows on Netflix (prove me wrong) is The Great British Bake Off. I could turn that show on, and just let it blow through the episodes while I work, clean, or — let’s be honest — sit and watch it.
I have AWESOME British Baking news. Somehow, the show was able to film episodes during the last couple month, so new shows are on the horizon.
Starting Friday, September 25th, Netflix will drop a new show each week. The series will first show in UK, and then three days later, we will get to watch it on Netflix.
If you are a connoisseur of The Great British Baking Off, you might noticed that this season if just a little different. We will have a new host, who is an actor and comedian, Matt Lucas.
You may also notice there have been extra measures taken to ensure the safety of the cast and crew, who had to live in a bubble for weeks leading up to and during taping.
Regardless, I can’t flipping wait!! Bring on Friday! I’m ready for new contestants, and new creations.
While you are on Netflix, maybe BEFORE The Great British Bake Off drops, you should totally check out Get Organized With The Home Edit. This show feeds my obsessive organization tendencies. Ha!