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The Weekend Just Had The Worst Halftime Show Of All Time

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My standards at this point are well below rock bottom. I don’t expect for much, I just don’t.

But I had just a little bit of hope that The Weekend was going to bring us something to get excited about for the Super Bowl halftime show.

I was so very wrong.

It isn’t just that it was horrible. It’s that it was also completely uneventful.

Half of it was in a hallway.

I tried to watch that part, but I thought I was going to puke. Who was on the camera? We legit needed a trigger warning before that spectacle.


What was The Weekend wearing anyway?

Did he hit up his Wedding Singer closet right before this?

And don’t even get me started on the face bandaged light guys. What even was that anyway?

Like, what did I just see? Was that a bad dream?

Don’t worry Fauci, I am wearing my mask.

I never thought I would say this, but LEFT SHARK WHERE ARE YOU?!?!


If you are feeling the same, check out these Half Time Shows that didn’t suck. You’re welcome.

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  1. snoop dog’s beer commercials were way way betterl

  2. Definitely a waste of time & not up to Superbowl standard, maybe a high school game at best! He is full of himself to think he could carry the whole show without another act! He has his followers but noway a superstar act for the great “Superbowl”.

  3. Personally I enjoyed the weekend’s performance displaying his Canadian talent I feel beauty is in the eyes of the beholder – way to go Weekend – Outstanding

  4. Weekend WAS A JOKE !!! Laughing stock of the music industry!! My TV tried to unplug itself !!! GROSS

  5. Was that really his planned show or was he just trying to find the washroom and got lost.

  6. You misspelled the performer’s name in the title and the article. He spells it The Weeknd, not The Weekend. Also, those aren’t face bandages, they’re jock straps.

  7. Weeknd’s show- He didn’t perform at all. He just walked and sang. No dancing on his part whatsoever. Also what is up with the white jockstraps on everyone’s head, those did not look like bandages if that’s what they were supposed to represent; also why were they white it didn’t match to the rest of the outfits.The music choice was alright but quite honestly I could’ve just put on spotify to listen to his music. Where was the show? It’s called live-performance for a reason.

  8. So pole dancing, crotch shots, skin showing J-Lo and Shakira is what you like?. I liked Adam and Maroon 5, but they got negative comments too. Not everyone can pleased.

  9. Someone should complain, especially if those were black men with the WHITE face covering. Me I didn’t watch the game.

    1. @gma, it’s funny when people don’t have a clue about what they are talking about and yet they just have to show thier ignorance by commenting. ?

    2. @gma, There were no white men in the show. Wait, I think there was a white guy playing a guitar.

  10. It was awful. No excuses. Being odd doesn’t make it good. Shame.

  11. A demon descends down from between the goal post with red glowing eyes. Then all the spectators eyes glow red, like they’re possessed. The Weekend walks out after awhile, looking tiny among all things evil, voice masked by the 2000’s signature Voicebox. When all of a sudden he has to go use the restroom but gets lost ala Alice in Wonderland. Weekend finds his way out and finds himself surrounded by white-face soldiers, who he signs among, but they don’t pay him much mimd. They just march forward with whatever it is that white-face soldiers who are possessed by a demon do.
    I guess the choreographers we trying to leave the beauty of it to the eye of the beholder, but it wasn’t very pretty. It was another theatrical instigator being proposed to perhaps the least racist audience possible. The NFL and CBS should be ashamed of making The Weekend appear to be a supporter of North Korean Military Parade’s.

  12. I would rather live through eternal Monday’s than to ever live through the Weekend again

  13. SAtanvibes hordes of red eyed devils and mummy’s sums up 2021america ruled by godless crime family steering into Castro Cuba communism cuba communism

    1. @Sam, haven’t you heard? Putin’s communist spy got voted out of the White House. Biden won and we have our democracy back! No more tRump crime family!

    2. @Mark, And here we go with the Politics… Never Fails !!

    3. @Mark, except we aren’t a democracy we are a republic but I guess it works either way, ..unless you are a pipefitter then you don’t work at all

  14. I never in my life respond to anything I think is ridiculous. Besides your article. How could you hate it. He was amazing. All choreography was amazing. His voice is amazing. Seems to suck to be you and not appreciate an amazing artist.

    1. @Christina, Nawww, it sucked. It was not good. His voice is not amazing. The over reaching hipness of it all was just so vapid and banal. Obvious…which resolved to nothing. Maybe you people like that kind of hyper consumerist BS. Maybe you really do not have a point of reference. As if self indulgent BS like that is the norm in your world. They probably did sell a shipload of Pepsi though, so there’s that. I think it needed more fireworks. Yeah, that’s it, more fireworks.

  15. Whoever wrote this is an idiot and obviously hasn’t seen one of his music videos from that album…

    1. @Doug, Ummm. This wasn’t the album and it wasn’t a music video.
      It was live and it was terrible

    2. @Auburn Guy, I agree.

      Also, I don’t WANT to see one of his music videos now.

  16. I just can’t tell if you don’t know how to use google or you just don’t care. Don’t blog about anything that you can’t spell. It’s THE WEEKND. Do your homework!

    1. For one how about some kind of American fire up performance, We need it now more that ever. not a Canadian Trying to imitate Michael Jackson fresh off the disgusting Neverland Ranch documentary. NFL always trying whatever they can to draw in non football fans. Fail.

    2. @E, it’s his fault for choosing such a dumb performer name.

  17. I totally disagree! I thought the Weekend was amazing!

  18. The Weekend halftime show: the ultimate worst attempt at halftime entertainment. Moronic, mundane, pure pap. The NFL has hit a new low.

  19. Harkens back to old R&B with an omage to stage shows everywhere. The mask theme was timely and as artsy as the whole show. Probably not everyone’s cup of tea. If I would guess I would say it is probably more of a DNC than a GOP kinda thing. As a marketing vehicle I would say Pepsi will accomplish everything it hoped to achieve.

    1. @Lowe John, his mask was homage to the Hollywood scene he sees as ridiculous. I thought it was amazing.

  20. I really would like for you to remember this criticism when someone criticizes you in the future after a lot of hard work.

    Also, could you get up there and do it?

    It was good, especially for the year we just came out of. Be more positive!

    1. @B.Mariah, You ARE joking right? My ten yr old and friends could do a better show with a weeks practice. And I’m so sick of blaming the Year and Covid. It’s the people and culture NOT the times!

    2. @B.Mariah, Hard work doesn’t always equate to a good product at the end.
      The show was boring and the formulaic music could have been performed by any random person and it would have been just as bad.

    3. @B.Mariah, wasn’t bad. Really just below the bar that has been set by other performers. If you’re honest you can’t deny that. The show was good but was two dimensional when most halftime shows are 3-D and go right through you.That’s not his fault,

  21. I’m thinking that I can’t really trust the opinion of an author who doesn’t spell the name correctly, it’s Weeknd. But anyway, besides the weird white masks, I really enjoyed the show. I think no matter how good a show is, everyone rushes to say it was the worst halftime ever like it’s a contest to see who’s first.

    1. @Karen McCarthy, how about the fact that, the artist spells the weekend incorrectly!!! The show was horrible!!! No matter if he can sing or not!!

  22. The Weekend should have taken it off! What was that?

  23. If you’re going to mock and criticize the performance, should you at least spell his name right?? It’s The Weeknd.

    1. @Steps, who cares how you spell it, this was ridiculous, sad, badly produced and highly depressing

  24. I felt some weird “Thriller” vibes and I was confused about the whole thing. WTW?