These Printable Coloring Pages Will Help Adults Destress While In Quarantine
FAIR WARNING — This post will include some language you may not want your little ones to see.

Y’all. I don’t know about you, but this whole homeschooling thing is about to drive me insane. It is just about the most stressful thing I have ever done!

Mommy needs a way to de-stress after a day of trying to figure out how the heck third graders now do math, and trying to remember what the snap onomatopoeia and alliteration are.
Bring on these adult coloring sheets!

There is a GENIUS on the Facebooks, who created these adult coloring pages, and I could KISS this person — from a safe 6 feet away, of course.

This is your last chance to turn around — here comes the language!
They aren’t exactly pages that I will display proudly on my fridge, but they make me laugh, and they are the PERFECT way to end my day — after my kids are asleep, of course.

They kind of hit the quarantined parenting nail RIGHT on the head, AMIRITE?!?

There are 10 different coloring pages — each one with a spot-on saying — and they can be saved directly to your computer, and then printed.

Now, before you get all mad, and send me hate mail, you have to have a sense of humor, here. These are a fun stress reliever. They aren’t something I am going to share with my kids.

They have taken our deepest, inner thoughts, and hilariously made them into adult coloring sheets. And, for that, I thank the creator of these pages!
You can get the adult coloring pages here. Print them and then get to coloring!