This Mom Started The ‘Hot Mess Express’ To Help Overwhelmed Moms In Need And Now It’s Taking Off Nationwide
Being a mom can be overwhelming.
Not only are there all the mommy things that you have to keep up with — school schedules, extra curricular activities, keeping the kiddos fed and clothed, bedtime, bath time — the list goes on — but then you add in all the other responsibilities that come with being a grown ass adult.
Working full-time outside of the home, paying those bills that just won’t stop coming, keeping the house clean and organized, laundry, dishes, trying to maintain friendships, being a good wife or partner…
When the hell are we supposed to find time for ourselves? Just a good, hot shower and a hot meal. Is that too much to ask?
I want to curl up in the fetal position just thinking about everything we have to do as moms (and dads).
There are times when I straight-up go hide in the closet and cry, because I feel 100% defeated. It feels like I’m drowning, and it seems there is no way out.
Don’t judge. I bet you’ve been there, too.
There is one momma who is tackling the “You have to do it alone, and be okay with it” mentality.
Jen Hamilton heard the cry, and knew there was definitely something she could do to help.
So a couple years ago, there was a post on Facebook in a local moms group. It was written anonymously, and it was by a girl who was a couple months postpartum with her second baby. She was asking for recommendations for a cleaning company to come in and help her clean her house because she was so overwhelmed.
Jen Hamilton
She said, ‘I don’t even have the money to do this but I can’t keep living like this.’ So people commented and were like, ‘Oh, reach out to this person or this company.’ But I was like, ‘We are missing something big here.’
Jen Hamilton
Hamilton thought, “She shouldn’t have to do this alone.”
She knew there were ways that she could help, and she took it upon herself to jump in and save this drowning momma.
Jen reached out to her tribe — the community of people around her — and got this struggling momma the help she needed — and for FREE.
She gathered her people, and showed up at the mom’s house to help — no judgment or shame.
There were like eight or ten of us there, and we sent her away, her and her family. We had taken up a collection and we sent her and her family out for a fun day, and we spent the whole day cleaning, organizing, doing laundry. We went to Walmart and got things that they needed. We made sure that there was food in the house. We made crock-pot meals. We went all out. And that was the first ever Hot Mess Express mission
Jen Hamilton
I can only imagine the weight that was lifted off the momma’s shoulders.
Just that simple act of jumping in and helping a fellow momma during her lowest point — amazing!
It was from here that Jen’s idea — the Hot Mess Express — was created.
It’s a simple concept. Mom’s helping moms. Pure and simple.
And, it’s FREE!! All the helpers are volunteers, and they even get corporate sponsors to jump in and help where needed.
What started in one little area of the country has now spread nationwide.
There are Hot Mess Express chapters popping up across the country, born out of wanting to help fellow moms who are feeling defeated and overwhelmed.
Hot Mess Express has grown nationwide with over 50 chapters since we started a little over two years ago. I am surprised at how fast it took off but I am not surprised at the need. I think this is something that has been needed for a very long time.
Brittinie Tran
Do you want to use your skills to be on one of the teams that helps out overwhelmed mommas in need?
Maybe you want to reach out and ask for help — no shame!!
Just go to the Hot Mess Express website to learn more.