Tips From An Introvert On How To Stay Home And Live Your Best Life
Advice on how to enjoy staying home, from someone who loves to stay home.

With things running rampant, the CDC is urging us all to implement social distancing.
Some employers are allowing their employees to work from home or are just giving them a period of time off.
On top of that, most school districts are sending children home for a minimum of two weeks for the time being.

I honestly didn’t realize how many people completely hate staying home! I don’t leave the house but about once a week for groceries or to swing through a Starbucks drive-thru!
I guess you could call me anti-social, but I never feel the need to socialize with anyone other than my son and occasionally a few family members.

If being stuck at home is high on your list of dislikes, here are a few tips to help it go by a bit faster!
Life get’s crazy with the hustle and bustle of daily tasks and I am sure most of us have a to-do list that seems pretty much never-ending.

Now is the perfect time to reevaluate that list and maybe pick one or two to accomplish per day. Simple ones like purging your closet or finally getting around to sending that thank you card!
Brew yourself a cup of coffee or pour a glass of wine and enjoy it! Savor every last sip while you take a bubble bath or read that book you keep meaning to crack open!

Baking is a good way to pass time as well, most of us have all the ingredients to make some basic peanut butter or chocolate chip cookies. Bake your cookies and eat as many as you want, you can even get your kids involved!
If you have child(ren) like myself, savor this time with them!
Build a fort in the living room, play pretend, cuddle, and just have fun! Spending time with them will help make these dark times seem a little less dark!

This will pass and life will move on, but for now, just let go a little.
Sleep in, let your children have electronic time, binge watch Netflix and rest.
Oh and keep washing your hands even if you don’t leave the house!