To The People Freaking Out Over Male Circumcision: Get Over It

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Dear Freaker-Outers:

Honestly, I’m not sure if I should even go on talking to y’all, because you’ve already decided to hate what I have to say and you’re planning ways to tell me I’m evil. So for you – move on. Seriously. Just go read another article or something. Here’s a picture of a rollerblading penis just for stopping by…

rollerblading penis

Dear Everyone Else:

Here’s the thing: male circumcision is still a thing…and apparently it’s a hotly debated thing. Years ago we thought that it was something that little boys needed and so pretty much every boy in the US was circumcised. After we figured out it wasn’t (as) needed, we (as a society trying to protect our precious boys) kept doing it because we didn’t want boys to stand out as different with their peers. Bullying, yo. That time is over, though. Truth is, it isn’t necessarily necessary in the US (in parts of Africa it can cut down on female-to-male AIDS transmission by 60% so yeah, super duper needed there)…lots of boys aren’t…and we live in a new world where it’s okay for kids to be different.

That being said, if you’re reading this there’s a chance you didn’t even know there was a debate going on. Here are the five people freaking out about male circumcision and why we (they) need to c-a-l-m down.

It's not going to grow if you're freaking out over Male Circumcision, you might need to let it go. Click now!

1. The “I Want My Foreskin Back” guy – To you…it’s gone, man. Let it go. No amount of sending angry messages to moms who circumcised their boys is going to bring your flap of skin back. If something happened to your peep during the procedure, I feel for you. I do. But again, yelling at moms isn’t going to fix what happened to you. Go see a therapist. Find a significant other. Get off the internet. You’re only going to get angrier, so just…move on.

sad about sausage

2. The “My Husband Was Intact And My Kids Are Too” mom – Good for you that everyone in your family matches when they stand up to pee, but that doesn’t mean everyone in the world is exactly the same as you. Stop bullying other moms and trying to make them feel badly about something that’s already been done.

peeing together

3. The “Circumcision Is Male Rape” folks – No. Just, no.

4. The “It’s A Religious Thing And I’m Not” peeps – Again, no. Just, no.

5. Everyone I’m Forgetting – Truth is, in ten years, twenty years, whatever, this isn’t even going to be a thing anymore. It only feels big right now because of the internet and the fact that everything is amplified online. No amount of doxing moms who had their kids cut is going to change things. If it’s gone – it’s gone. As society shifts, less and less people will choose to circumcise and this will all be over. So, for now at least, move on. Go outside. Get some sunshine. Eat a brownie (I’ll let you interpret that as you may), but stop trolling for everyone who has ever had a little boy circumcised…because attacking them isn’t going to change a thing. In fact, it’ll back them into a corner and make them feel they have to justify their decision. So, stop.

internet troll

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  1. Neck yourself (be sure to use a chain though, because a rope would snap under your morbidly obese body weight)

    1. @Mary Malcunt, hahaha. I love this comment. It’s so true

  2. When the hell is this going to get taken down, I’m trying real hard to cope with this and every time I try and search stuff this shit pops up.

  3. Child abuse. Child sexual molestation. Child sexual harassment. Child rape. Child sexual assault. Who the hell gave you the right to cut any part of my body off? Who the hell gave you the right to violate me in this way? What if I decided that you didn’t need your testicles, or your labia, well because I deemed they were superfluous, or because I believed you looked better without them, or because some bullshit ancient religion I belonged to said I could. How would you like that, huh? If it’s no big deal, then let me have at it, I have a sharp blade in hand now, ready to perform your sick ritualistic mutilation right now.

    Circumcision is wrong. If you want to mutilate your own body because as an adult you want to for whatever reason change your god given body, then by all means go for it. Don’t let me stop you. You are an adult. That is your choice. Your decision. Though, to circumcise a helpless, defenseless child is wrong! I cannot even begin to express how violated I feel. The wrong I have been done. I hate you all for doing this to me, I hate you all for raping me with a knife, you sick fucking sexually repressed bastards! I fuckin hate you all!!

    It is not a matter of if you like it or not after the fact. It is a matter of stealing from someone their own personal identity, and violating their person without their consent. Let’s not forget, circumcision is done for that very specific reason. It is not like they remove a pinky toe or part of an ear lobe, or even change the shape of your nose, No! Circumcision is a specifically targeted instrument to mutilate the male genitalia. Specifically, in the pursuit to make men less sexually active and to give them the circumcised a constant daily reminder of who is in charge, and a threat to what our society is willing to do to kill your male identity, that is, willing to cut you and mutilate you as a defenseless child and then tell you in your adult life, too bad, so sad, you cannot do anything about it because we don’t care about your male sexual identity. In fact, what we are saying here is that we specifically took your male sexual identity away from you to remind you your entire life of who really is in charge here.

    The #metoo movement right now is all jacked up because a woman was groped, or touched in the wrong way without her consent. Women everywhere are accusing men of being horrible, despicable humans asking “Why are men so horrible, how can they rape and sexually abuse women?!” While all the while, women and men torture and rape and sexually assault male infants every day! Well, look no further than childhood mental and obvious physical scarring left from a very traumatic experience that have left all circumcised men messed up in the head. Some pretend that they are ok with it, mostly because these men are too dumb to know otherwise, though to us men smart enough to realize what has been done to us, we are beyond disheveled and destroyed, our spirits are corrupted and mangled by the obvious ill doing society has propagated upon us, and hypercritically turn and say that rape is wrong, and sexual harassment is wrong, then turn the other way to slice away at their unsuspecting and defenseless sons. You cowards. Cowards! Mothers and fathers alike, you are all cowards. What if I cut you now without your consent, while you lay fast asleep at your bedside, at your most defenseless? You would scream at me rapist, and sicko, and pervert and all sorts of words to express your disapproval, denounce me as psychopath, though like all hypocrites, you would only be screaming at a truer mirror, the true reflection of your own withered, soured, puritanical, and sad souls. May all you circumcising perverts rot in hell. Fuck you all for eternity!

    1. Another raving lunatic with ‘mommy cut my pee pee’ issues. Thanks for the laugh, scooter. Now go take your meds… your shrink will thank you for it. ?

      1. “Thanks for the laugh”?!
        You laugh at another’s pain?
        Obviously, it is you who has the issues.
        Perhaps you are the “mommy” that did the cutting.

      2. Feminists tend to laugh at everyone not a feminist. They are seriously sick bitches. If this was a woman crying about her clitoral hood being chopped off, she’d be all support and hugs. Fuck Holly. She’s just another third-wave piece of shit who doesn’t understand egalitarianism if it smacks her right in the face.

  4. Old article, but it rings true to me. As a circumcised man (circumcised as an infant) I find it offensive that people’s arguments against the practice often attack well-meaning parents such as mine, and perpetuate this idea that circumcised men are “broken” somehow. Thanks for keeping it real!

    1. It removes the most sensitive part of the penis, 20,000 nerve endings in total, the clitoris has 8,000. I am broken because of the ignorance of people like you.

      1. If that’s the case, then I guess we’ve made it more equal, haven’t we? Why the fuck should you experience more pleasure than women? We already have a huge orgasm and oral gap between the sexes. Women are constantly demonized and policed because of their sexuality. If nature decided to fuck over women more by giving us more physical pleasure, guess what? Time to make things more equal.

  5. You do know the African aids study got debunked a few days after it’s release right?

  6. I agree with you. Stop shaming mothers for having their sons circumcised!

    1. Yeah, girls and intersex people need to stop whining about their cut genitals too, it looks better and is cleaner! Besides, once their body is destroyed nothing can be done to reverse the physical and psychological harm done to them. People need to stop complaining and shaming their parents about having the child’s most sensitive part of their bodies stripped from them just because their parents felt like it.

    2. Some men claim that being cut has led to less feeling and harder to orgasm. My husband, who is circed, is 67 years old and still can perform like a 20 year old ! EVERYTHING works as good as ever. On the other hand, my sisters husband ,who is still intact, is almost totally impotent and otherwise in good health and is 6 years younger than my husband. Not having a foreskin has nothing to do with being impotent. I believe that men are better off to have it removed early.

      1. “I believe that men are better off to have it removed early.”
        you don’t know what you’re talking about
        would you be better off if you’d had your clit removed early?

      2. Old lady, you’re a fool. No one cuts their sons in 2018. It’s dying out because we know it is actually harmful.

    3. Mother’s stop body shaming your baby boys and cutting them for your own selfish and ignorant reasons.

    4. @Look At All The Whiners, I agree that shaming mother’s isn’t the best answer. They cannot undo what has already happened. But let me ask you- what do you believe is the best way to make it clear that there are psychological ramifications some men experience as a result of their circumcision? How might future parents learn about this *before* they do what can’t be undone?

  7. Why don’t you just get over your sexual assault and stop eating yourself to death? Having the most sensitive part of your genitals cut off is far worse than having your neighbor touch you.

  8. According to your stupid logic victims of female genital mutilation should just shut up and move on with their lives? I think all humans, male, female, or intersex have the right to their bodily integrity!

    “Rape is a word for sexual assault. This is one of the worst crimes there is. Rape can also mean to plunder or strip something of resources.”

    First thing that comes up from googling the definition of rape; sounds like when a infant has the most sensitive part of the penis sliced off without his consent or opinion just so it can be used to produce skin cream, the criteria for rape is met twice. Thank God you flunked out of medical school and can’t butcher children.

  9. I think a woman, whose genitals are protected from mutilation by federal law, telling men who were cut without consent and pain killer to “just get over it.” is very nauseating.

  10. You are a disgusting person, and I hope you find your own personal hell one day and look back at this and maybe, just maybe, you will have the slightest idea of what you wrote about.

    And I hope you see a psychiatrist for your mental illness, you should really get that checked out.

  11. I am missing over 50% of erogenous feeling do to circumsision aside from the 16+ sexual functions the foreskin has. I have been botched due to a really unnecessary procedure. Cutting a penis to make it “clean” means you were born with a dirty dick. Men aren’t born looking like a door knob, sorry to break it to you but America has health books adapted after Dr. Kelloggs idea to stop masturbation, should read about acid on the womans clitoris that never caught on.

    There is a reason more that 70% in the world aren’t circumsised and it is strictly illegal an other countries unless all other options are taken. This is for a reason. Notice how men in Europe or more of a man then American men?

    I refuse to talk to my mother and father for allowing and asking for sexual assault to happen to me (as an infant) from a business man in the medical field. You being okay with it makes me think you support pedophillia too. I think you need help. Figure your logic and come back with something more timely.

  12. Ignorance is bliss, huh Mary? I bet you think FGM is a horrible concept; here’s a quick tip for ya, if you don’t know what you’re talking about, you should just keep your mouth shut to prevent yourself from looking like a retard.

  13. Babies that were cut at birth were pretty much assaulted and robbed, people shrug it off because they see it as the norm or because “I cant remember it anyways” the dealio with this is just because you cant remember doesn’t mean it wasn’t wrong. you could also go from a feeling perspective, you cant describe how something feels to someone who hasn’t felt something, its like trying to explain colour to a colour blind person. Essentially what this mean for men who disagree with being circumcised at birth well… its like dealing with a life time of feeling mutilated, assaulted and disrespected. I was cut at birth without a choice because someone couldn’t respect my body integrity. There is nothing that will ever bring it back and I have a right to be angry… and weirdly enough I dont want to be angry. You would be angry too if you lost your clitoris at birth, as a matter of fact that was once a type of religious circumcision.

  14. You Don't Know What You're Talking About says:

    You’re a monster for supporting the mutilation of infants.

  15. This woman is highly likely to nearly never wear a skirt or a dress, even once a year. So to her I say, with the editorial writer of the New York Times on May 27, 1876, page 6, “A Curious Disease,” about women in pants, that she is afflicted with “permanent mental hallucination” and she is in need of “the usual remedies in use at the best conducted hospitals for the insane.”

    An extended stay in Saudi Arabia to normalize her anatomy should also be effected, after the eight year mental hospital session.

  16. If this topic was not so taboo, I think that people would have an easier time talking about it without, as you put it, “freaking out”. I’ve been “freaked out” upon for expressing my dissatisfaction with the fact that I’m circumcised. I don’t go doxxing moms who post publicly on Facebook about circumcising their baby boys, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to let the taboo around how we talk about circumcision dictate my script.

  17. #3 and #4 alone are the most pivotal points of the debate. Their answer is “No, just no.” From this we can infer the writer is:
    Oh wait, that’s synonymous.

  18. Oh yay. A woman writing about how male circumcision isn’t rape. Thanks for your input. Now I can get started on my book about how women should be in the kitchen all day long. A woman working outside the home? No. Just, no. That’s apparently what constitutes a cogent argument, folks. Lots to learn here today.

  19. I have to say I agree that the anti-circ crowd needs to take a chill pill and work on their PR. I was on the fence about circumcising up until I was pretty much full term, and we decided against it. My hubby is cut, and he says it never affected him negatively (however he has nothing to compare to). At first we were leaning towards circumcision, but after months of research and talking we decided that we would leave bubs intact. I’ve gotta say those anti-circ activists really turned me off for a while, almost made me want to be petty and cut my son just cause of their sanctimonious attitudes. If they actually communicated openly with the goal to spread accurate information without shaming people for their choices, perhaps more people would be receptive to listening to their message.

    1. “If they actually communicated openly with the goal to spread accurate information without shaming people for their choices, perhaps more people would be receptive to listening to their message.”

      This is true, but it’s really hard to feel sympathetic to your case when you were actually considering circumcising your son to spite these people. Really?!?!?

    2. What if someone cut off your clit, then later told you to get over it?

      Go fuck yourself.

    3. Did it ever occur to you why the procircumcision crowd never spreads accurate information? I am a physician. The anatomy / physiology book we used had, for its male model, a circumcised man. The foreskin as tissue was absent from the histology text and course. The function of the foreskin was never discussed. When one person asked about it, the professor hemmed and hawed and said it was just vestigial and served no purpose.

      If the foreskin is so useless, why is it forbidden knowledge even to physicians?

      1. Coool story, bro. Want to buy some real estate?

    4. If you were going to mutilate your son just to spite some complete strangers on the internet, you probably need mental health services and to not be raising kids. Just sayin’.

  20. Curious how the truest statement is answered as simply “no just no”, because you have no way to actually refute it. But yes, circumcision is rape. Plus torture, plus mayhem, plus endangerment, plus medical fraud, plus organ theft.

  21. This article is downright disgusting. Telling me I should get over my circumcision because I can’t change it is like telling me to get over losing a family member because resurrection is impossible. Denying the FACT that circumcision is sexual assault means you either don’t know what circumcision is or you don’t know what sexual assault is. Forcibly restraining someone and not only touching, but cutting off part of their sexual organ is sexual assault in every way.

    Why don’t you tell rape victims to get over rape? Why aren’t you telling victims of homophobia or racism to get over it? Why aren’t you telling victims of domestic abuse to get over it? Why aren’t you telling victims of female circumcision to get over it?

    To the ignorant retard who wrote this garbage, shame on you. People like you who tell amputees to get over ti are exactly why we NEED to campaign against this human rights atrocity.

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