To The People Freaking Out Over Male Circumcision: Get Over It
Dear Freaker-Outers:
Honestly, I’m not sure if I should even go on talking to y’all, because you’ve already decided to hate what I have to say and you’re planning ways to tell me I’m evil. So for you – move on. Seriously. Just go read another article or something. Here’s a picture of a rollerblading penis just for stopping by…
Dear Everyone Else:
Here’s the thing: male circumcision is still a thing…and apparently it’s a hotly debated thing. Years ago we thought that it was something that little boys needed and so pretty much every boy in the US was circumcised. After we figured out it wasn’t (as) needed, we (as a society trying to protect our precious boys) kept doing it because we didn’t want boys to stand out as different with their peers. Bullying, yo. That time is over, though. Truth is, it isn’t necessarily necessary in the US (in parts of Africa it can cut down on female-to-male AIDS transmission by 60% so yeah, super duper needed there)…lots of boys aren’t…and we live in a new world where it’s okay for kids to be different.
That being said, if you’re reading this there’s a chance you didn’t even know there was a debate going on. Here are the five people freaking out about male circumcision and why we (they) need to c-a-l-m down.
1. The “I Want My Foreskin Back” guy – To you…it’s gone, man. Let it go. No amount of sending angry messages to moms who circumcised their boys is going to bring your flap of skin back. If something happened to your peep during the procedure, I feel for you. I do. But again, yelling at moms isn’t going to fix what happened to you. Go see a therapist. Find a significant other. Get off the internet. You’re only going to get angrier, so just…move on.
2. The “My Husband Was Intact And My Kids Are Too” mom – Good for you that everyone in your family matches when they stand up to pee, but that doesn’t mean everyone in the world is exactly the same as you. Stop bullying other moms and trying to make them feel badly about something that’s already been done.
3. The “Circumcision Is Male Rape” folks – No. Just, no.
4. The “It’s A Religious Thing And I’m Not” peeps – Again, no. Just, no.
5. Everyone I’m Forgetting – Truth is, in ten years, twenty years, whatever, this isn’t even going to be a thing anymore. It only feels big right now because of the internet and the fact that everything is amplified online. No amount of doxing moms who had their kids cut is going to change things. If it’s gone – it’s gone. As society shifts, less and less people will choose to circumcise and this will all be over. So, for now at least, move on. Go outside. Get some sunshine. Eat a brownie (I’ll let you interpret that as you may), but stop trolling for everyone who has ever had a little boy circumcised…because attacking them isn’t going to change a thing. In fact, it’ll back them into a corner and make them feel they have to justify their decision. So, stop.
Want more? Check these out!
Your blatant disregard to provide scientific evidence to support male mutilation, and or show the slightest plight with men who’ve been stripped of a piece of themselves is disgusting and frankly psychotic. “No just No” This is your answer? You think you’re smart lol.
Yeaaaaa this article is complete bullshit.
yikes all the way around
how did you deal with having part of your penis removed against your will?
oh wait
Uh, it’s about body autonomy. And actually, buttercup, guys do have a right to be angry about this.You telling them to “get over it” is like a man telling a woman to “get over” being sexually mutilated. Fuck right off with that, hypocrite. They really do. Also, you realize the majority of men in the world ARE NOT circumcised. Because the health benefits are so damned minimal it’s not worth the risk. And yes, there ARE risks. And sweetheart, most of the people who circumcise in the USA are not Jewish, and are doing it “because it looks nicer” or “I heard it was cleaner”. You do realize these are some of the same bullshit reasons given for FGM, right? I mean…no, people absolutely do need to be told (harshly) why this is so fucked up. And yes, it can lead to scarring, painful intercourse, even death (around 100 babies a year die from the procedure). It has also been linked to toxic masculinity–we are finding out more how trauma affects infants’ brains. If racism is fucked up, if FGM is fucked up, if sexual harassment is fucked up, so is taking away a functioning (yep, it has functions) piece of a boy’s sexual anatomy without his consent. To think otherwise, to excuse it as “meh”, is fucking nasty. But really, you are NOT a dude, so you do NOT get to tell dudes how to feel about this any more than a dude gets to tell a woman how to feel about her own bits, ESPECIALLY when they’ve been violated. Dayum, but you take stupidity and hypocrisy to a level that even most feminists can’t reach. /golfclap
Mary’s point of body-shaming circumcised men and attacking their parents being pointless is correct, but of course it’s totally lost on the extremists (and miserable uncircumcised men) whose joint goal it is to portray circumcised men in a terribly derogatory way for an obvious ego-fueling purpose. It’s so not about human rights… It’s about a bunch of men who are insecure about themselves body-shaming men who are different, and instilling artificial feelings of self-loathing so they become the ‘angry circumcised men’ you see on the media spouting misinformation that, incredibly, doesn’t even pertain to their bodies.
On that subject, here are some facts:
Uncircumcised men are insecure and are using anti-circumcision as a way to inflate their egos. It’s why they call themselves “intact” despite really not being anything more than average. It’s not about human rights at all, and they rely on fallacies, propaganda and misinformation to drive a stigma against circumcised men. Tragically, Pride NYC, among other Prides, has already been violated by anti-circumcision extremists, and circumcised men are tormented by those floats in the parade.
Fact : My lips, palm, nape of neck, sole of foot, etc., are all more sensitive than your foreskin, as their tactile corpuscles (fine touch receptors) are higher in density and scale than those in the foreskin.
Fact : Over 600 clinical studies, not just conducted by Americans, substantiate the preventative and therapeutic benefits of circumcision. Like it or not, there are solid benefits. It doesn’t matter how insecure you may be about your foreskin. It doesn’t matter that you are a coward and are prepared to fabricate lies about your and other people’s bodies and experiences on the spot. There are proven benefits.
Fact : Medical circumcision in the US did NOT originate from John Kellog. Kellog himself was a puritan extremist who maintained the baseless belief that circumcision reduced masturbation and pleasure, and promoted his view of the procedure in this context, but circumcision was not implemented because of this socialite’s opinion. In actuality, infections in troops during WWl called for therapeutic circumcision, and when they returned from war they had their sons circumcised preventatively.
Fact : Most of the acts of violence and depravity committed against humanity in all of human history were by the hand uncircumcised men. Uncircumcised males make the claim that most serial killers were circumcised–this isn’t true and doesn’t even make sense. For example, Nazis raped children and babies. None of them were circumcised. The Greeks eviscerated innocent men for sport. None of them were circumcised. Alexander the Great wasn’t circumcised. The most psychopathic, sadistic tyrants of all of human history weren’t circumcised.
Fact : to say circumcised men “don’t know what they’re missing” is a myth. They aren’t missing heat receptors (more relevant to sexual stimulation) and they have superior fine touch sensation all over their bodies, as well as most fine touch sensation in their genitals.
Fact : To generalize that all or most circumcised men are lacking in sensation baseless and very uneducated: The sensitivity of the male foreskin varies from male to male dramatically, and sensation varies between circumcised men similarly.
Some men who chose circumcision later in life show increases in sensation.
Fact : The male foreskin was never proven to contain nearly as many nerve endings as “intactivists” like to claim. The belief stems from a 1932 paper by Henry Bazette whose data was warped by a biased and unqualified extremist Paul Fleiss. It doesn’t contain 20,000. This is an extreme exaggeration, but most people will unfortunately believe it.
Fact : Uncircumcised men almost exclusively deal with penile cancer. Abnormal cell growth is a natural biological threat, and this suggests that the male foreskin is an evolutionary failure–it does not make you superior, but in a way, weaker.
Fact : Uncircumcised men aren’t “intact” for being more vulnerable to abnormal cell growth, contracting and transmitting STDs, tears during sex and other tissue related issues like phimosis, paraphimosis, balantitis and even skin disorders.
Uncircumcised men are in denial of these facts and will downplay these issues but they are all extremely serious and disruptive to quality of life.
Fact : Uncircumcised men are genitally average, not “intact”.
Fact : Circumcised men are modified, not “mutilated”. “Mutilated” and “modified” are not the same or interchangeable.
Surgery is not the same as indiscriminate mutilation.
Fact : Circumcised men all over the world who chose to get circumcised later in life report increase in quality of life.
If you want to read a bit on the misinformation, fallacies, and even hate speech put out my “intactivists”, feel free to check out these articles:
intact means not taken apart. Why are you fighting against terms that literally mean what they say? Seems emotionally motivated to me
You lost me. Are you in favor of it continuing? Why is fgm the worse thing of all ti.e but doing to boys is no big deal?
I agree that if its already done, the test nothing you can do so they should chill out. If not done yet, we need the world to understand that boys are not expendable while girls MUST be protected?
“Circumcision is male rape. -No. Just no.”
And I’d like to know how you define rape for females and why those standards don’t apply to men if you consider rape to be the unwarranted infringement upon a person’s genitals and thus their agency? Furthermore, seeing as you’re not male yourself how can you possibly relate to and then judge the experience of being circumcised when you’re lens is tinted with the unconscious biases that go along with growing up without male genitalia.
im glad i was circumcised. the babies dont care. i love my dick and the girls i bang do as well. definitely going to have my son circumcised.
I find it interesting that there seems to be a syntactical similarity between men who are comfortable with their RIC. Like, short and simple sentences with closed book style mentalities. Maybe its a cultural correlation thing, or maybe its psychologically causal
Arms legs feet head hands internal external organs all the same, the things change position and function.
Tesicals ovaries, same different function!
Clitoris head. Same!
Ridged Band G same.
Shaft part that holds vagina same inverts!
Vas difference fallopian tubes, same.
For skin vagina, same, external internal.
So all women in support of Genital mutalation! Let’s strap you down and cut out your vagina and G spot, so you can have an external cercumcision, and remover the same parts that are removed on a man!
Being strapped down and having your vagina cut out is so much better then rape. You actually enjoy enternal cercumcision! And oh yes it magically stops you from getting cancer aids STD, and hell it turns you into super girl! Male geital mutalation is unforgettable and unforgivable!
So Lady’s if you were suddenly strapped down and had you vagina cut out, you’d be okay with it, and be like I’m over it it was just skin, I can just douche with baby oil and be better then a water slide and have the orgasms of a life time. Some brainless bitch will come and fight me. Yes her mom had her brain cut out at birth and never told her. Poor stupid cunt! Just go to hell your trash you shouldn’t have even been born! This world is better off with out you! I hope you bleed to death from your period you crule evil cunt!
Is this how you would treat victims of female genital cutting? If not, then why are you so callous to male victims? Sexism at it finest.
I’ll forget about forced genital cutting of infants when it finally stops here in America. My husband is from Europe and was horrified to learn what baby boys endure over here. Circumcision is unheard of where he’s from (who would actually WANT to cut healthy body parts off of a peaceful baby boy?!). I also learned that NO medical organization on earth recommends routine infant circumcision!! As a nurse I’ve seen how much pain circumcision causes these sweet boys- they often won’t breastfeed due to the trauma. I’ve also seen 3 poor babies nearly bleed to death after circumcision in the past 2 years alone. But I’ve never seen any issues in intact boys/men. Cutting healthy, functional body parts off of any human without their consent needs to be made illegal. Americans are sadly culturally biased in favor of this disturbing practice.
Here come all the butthurt foreskin fanatics armed with lies and propaganda. What about the 16 magical (made up) functions! What about the (insert any number) nerve endings lost! What about the 117 dead babies! LOLOLOL. All they do is squawk and fuss and not one of them could pass a basic science class. Bless their lil hearts. Squaaaawk! ???
Hey, female circumcision is legal in my country so why don’t you come over here so we can stick a knife up your vagina!
Sure, doll, but first I’ll need to see a policy statement from a medical association that specifically states there are medical benefits to FGM. Hahaha.
If it was making American doctors lots of money, I’m sure medical benefits would start coming out of the woodwork.
I will NEVER just “get over” people who inflict needless and extremely painful COSMETIC surgery performed on a helpless newborn infant. What is WRONG with you? Genital cutting damages a boy and the man he will become, not to mention that an AVERAGE of 117 baby boys a year die in the US from complications of circumcisions. And just to show how utterly ignorant the writer of this article is, she uses a gif of Benedict Cumberbatch, who is intact and British. The British, along with the rest of Europe, DO NOT CIRCUMCISE. 80% of the world does not.
Lol. 117 babies die every year from circumcision? No, sweetie. They don’t. Bless your heart.
Why are you here Holly? Have you any experience with circumcision first hand?
Typical baby-cutting hypocritical twat feminist. If a grown ass woman consents to have a breast amputated, everyone in the world feels sorry for her and acknowledges her struggle and her pain and all that jazz. But a man is missing 1/3 of the skin from his penis and nobody even asked for his consent to take it?? GET OVER IT! Fuck you. You suck.
Awww. You mad, cupcake? Eat a dick and get over it.
Shut up you feminazi troll! No one cares about you or you beliefs
I’d rather be a feminist out trolling versus a sad sack of shit loser who whines over a little flap of dick skin and spends all day crying over his ‘mommy cut my pee pee’ issues. Namaste, motherfucker! ???
To the “Circumcision is male rape” crowd: I’m not sure if that’s true, but the first step of an infant circumcision is to stimulate an erection (to see where to cut – if they’re doing their job right), and then to forcibly PENETRATE a tightly closed sexual orifice called the preputial sphincter (which cut men no longer have and which intact guys say is the best part).
If they stopped there they’d BE rapists. But then they peel the prepuce from the glans by tearing the balanopreputial membrane (which is akin to ripping fingernails off, and which often leaves the glans gouged or pitted), slit the prepuce longways, cut around it, toss it in the trash (or store it to sell for about $40), before putting a diaper back on so the wound can be fouled by feces and urine.
I’m an “I want my foreskin back” guy. And why not? Foreskin feels REALLY good. Seriously, it’s the best part.
And non-surgical foreskin can really undo some of the sexual damage of circumcision. Better sex! What fool wouldn’t try it?
The reason this conversation is a ‘thing’ is because you can’t do better until you know better. I’m thankful to every man who speaks up about the circumcision they didn’t want, because he’s offering education to those who never considered it. Telling them to get over it is the most heartless thing I’ve ever heard. Would you say that to someone who lost a loved one? No. People are allowed to mourn their losses forever, so get off your high horse. This is not a preference issue, or AIDS issue (which is 100% preventable by practicing safe sex), or a parental rights issue. This is a HUMAN RIGHTS issue. And as long as little boys are having their rights ripped away from them, this conversation will always exist. So get over that.
I did my research and it turns out circumcision reduces the occurrence of diseases and infections. The AAP says the benefits outweigh the risks. It’s legal in every single country. Know better, do better! Science for the win!
Well Holly Ann, obviously someone has pricked your conscience. However you obviously didn’t do your research. What are these so-called diseases that the rest of the world are suffering from that American men are free from? Your “science” has been debunked by the rest of the worlds medical associations. Yes, Holly, “know better, do better.” Do better research! No one looks at one source, that’s not scientific research.
Yea and funny that the aap made this determination when they also admit that there’s not really any data available to determine the risks so basically they made the determination that the benefits outweigh the risks based on nothing. In other words, they made it up.
Holly, if you read the AAP you would’ve noticed it said it does NOT recommend circumcision.
Catherine, wonderful insightful response!
@Catherine, so well said. Thank you for that. I take comfort knowing there are rational people like you, it makes me believe one day the general attitude towards circumcision will change. We can’t undo the damage, but it’s our duty to speak up. Humanity progresses when we evaluate our errors and learn to do better
My goodness. If you know of anyone mutilating babies, do be a lamb and phone the police. Sounds very serious.
I’m not going to “get over it.” I’m working to help end it.
I agree. But I also think all circumcised females should get over it. It’s prettier and gives you less infections.
If we forced you into genital cutting it wouldn’t be “rape” or “assault” either right? Feminists are the most entitled people to live.
“Feminists are the most entitled people to live.”
This is coming from a men’s rights activist, I take it? When you stop telling women to dress a certain way so that you don’t get distracted or when you stop blaming the women you rape for your actions, then we can discuss how “entitled” feminists are. However horrible you think her article is, I assure you that it’s ten times worse on your manosphere forums.
Imagine what the world would be like today if Ghandi or MLK chose to “Get Over It.” You need to do more research about where that 60% statistic came from.
You wrote, “…As society shifts, less and less people will choose to circumcise and this will all be over…”
That’s the point. The culture is progressing because of intactivists, not despite their efforts. Changing the status quo takes a lot of work.
Why not write an article titled “To the people freaking out over female circumcision: get over it”???
Fat pig author, if I could hold you down and rip off your foreskin without your consent I’d totally do it. Then when you cried about it is tell you to shut up, stop whining and get over it. Pig.
Lol. Somebody needs a snack and a safe place. Poor little butthurt inquacktivist has’mommy cut my pee pee’ issues. ???
If your penis was cut off, get over it. No reason to stop this time honored tradition.
If it was just a flap a skin, it wouldn’t be called a foreskin. It has specialized nerve cells, and structures special to the foreskin alone.
I have a restored foreskin, so I know what it’s like to have a covering again. I’m glad I never have to deal with that broomstick dick you love so much.
Neck yourself (be sure to use a chain though, because a rope would snap under your morbidly obese body weight)
@Mary Malcunt, hahaha. I love this comment. It’s so true