Your UPS Package May Be Delayed This Holiday Season. Here’s Why.
Tis’ the season for online shopping.

If you’re one of the many Americans, 185 million individuals to be exact, you may want to consider a backup gift for your loved ones this year as your holiday gift might be delayed in delivery.

UPS is giving the public a heads up for Christmas shoppers this year; the company recently announced a halt in collecting orders from major retailers such as GAP, Nike, and Macy’s, due to the number of packages exceeding in delivery capacity.

In other words, the sneakers you bought from Nike or the cocktail dress you got from Macy’s on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, could have a delayed delivery date.

On the bright side of things, UPS has confirmed that every package will be delivered as soon as possible!

Holiday shopping has become more popular due to the pandemic which is why UPS and FedEx have both requested for popular name brands to spread out their deals and promotions because workers are being stretched too thin.

Keep in mind that the earlier you shop the better. Everyone wants Santa to come this year so don’t take the risk and happy holiday shopping!