Van Leeuwen Released Ice Cream Pints That Taste Exactly Like a Malt Milkshake and Fries
Ordering french fries with a tall milkshake has a been a commonality since the 50s.
And whether you like to dunk your fries in a malt milkshake or eat them separately, you can never go wrong with combing salty and sweet.

Following in the footsteps of the 50s, Van Leeuwen and Idaho Potatoes have partnered together to create an ice cream that what was once, and is still a popular order at restaurants.

What’s dubbed their Malted Milkshake and Fries French ice cream, this pint of ice cream combines what you would already be mixing together at the dinner table.
So basically the work has already been done for you.

Considering this isn’t the first time the ice cream brand has let comfort food dictate their next flavor such as their Kraft Macaroni & Cheese ice cream, their malt milkshake and fries flavor should be just as good!

And before you think that ice cream shouldn’t be combined with something as savory as french fries, you never know what you might like until you try it!
Besides, if pineapple on pizza is a popularity, there should be no reason why ice cream and fries can’t be combined for a frozen sweet treat.

With every spoonful, prepare to be reminded of a vanilla milkshake tossed with buttermilk, salt, and let’s not forget about the main reason why this ice cream is being talked about in the first place.
Enter, the french fries!

The french fries which are clustered throughout the pint are both crunchy, salty and are flavored with hints of garlic and onion.
Your after dinner indulgence just got better.

And who’s to stop you for dipping more fries in this ice cream flavor; you can currently find the Malted Milkshake and Fries ice cream pint on the Van Leeuwen website for nationwide delivery, score!