You Can Get A Wall Mounted Christmas Tree That Is Perfect For Small Spaces
If you aren’t wanting to deal with a large tree this year or perhaps just lack the space, I have the PERFECT solution for you…

You Can Get A Wall Mounted Christmas Tree That Is Perfect For Small Spaces or even for the person who is a minimalist.

This Wall Mounted Christmas tree is the perfect way to decorate for the holidays while saving space!

This tree is perfect if you have pets or little ones since it attaches to the wall and is up off the ground.
Grandin Road sells the flat Christmas tree you see above but I also found some cute ones on Amazon as well.

With two dogs and a toddler in my house, I find this space saving design genius and I am ordering one right now!
You can find the flat Wall Mounted Christmas Tree on the Grandin Road website here for $79.60. The smaller Christmas Tree with the bows can be found on Amazon here for around $20.