You Can Get A Harness For Your Chicken SO YOU CAN GO ON CHICKEN WALKS

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The only thing better than a pet chicken is a pet chicken who you take on long walks around your neighborhood.

Which is why this chicken harness exists, and now all your chicken mama dreams can come true.


It’s surprisingly affordable.

Now, if you’re like me you have a lot of questions about the chicken harness. Like, a LOT of questions.


Who uses a chicken harness?

Cool people, and people who have chickens. Of course.


How does a chicken harness work?

Basically like a puppy harness, but with the little harness things going around the back legs instead of the front.


Where can you buy a chicken harness?

All sorts of places, probably.

But if don’t want to drive around to feed stores and pet stores looking like the crazy chicken lady who wants to take their chicken on long beach walks at sunset, then you can just order it here.


Will a chicken harness fit my chicken?

I mean, probably. Unless you have one of those crazy giant chickens.

But if you DO have one of those giant chickens then you probably have bigger problems. Like giant chickens.

What if my chicken wears pants?

Then I am going to need you to tell me which way is the right way for chickens to wear pants.

What if my husband puts his foot down and says we can’t have chickens, not because he’s controlling, but because he knows me really well and that I am super irresponsible so he will end up taking care of the chickens, so instead he gets me a Yorkie and names it Nugget because he would much rather take care of a dog than a chicken?


Then you love that husband. And that adorable little pupper. 🙂


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  1. Totally gots to order this. My Isa Brown, Esty will be perfect for this or vise versa..Either way Can’t wait, I’m sure this’ll be a traffic stopper….!!!!

  2. And then they are advertising Tyson Chicken strips?? Oh my!

  3. Unbelievable FUNNY lol I sent this to a girlfriend who just got chickens. She has 6 chickens and 5 small grandchildren I’m pretty sure she will be ordering