A Hospital In NY Will No Longer Deliver Babies Due To Nurses Refusing To Get Vaccinated
Across the nation, there are nurses quitting their jobs and refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

It is becoming such a problem that one hospital in upstate New York is being forced to “pause” birthing babies — all birthing services, actually — until they can get the shortage under control.
This is slightly bananas. Coming from a background in the healthcare system, I can’t even imagine quitting my job over getting a vaccine. As a nurse you are required to get SO many vaccines. I’m not sure why this one is causing such a big backlash, but it is.

There is now a huge nursing shortage across the nation.
It’s creating such a mess, that there is a mass nursing shortage running rampant across the U.S. right now. I haven’t even worked as a nurse in a hospital for 5 years, and I have places contacting me DAILY to work — pretty much begging me to just show up.

Why are all the nurses quitting? Many states are mandating that hospital and healthcare employees get the vaccine for employment.
Some nurses would rather be jobless than get the vaccine.

Lewis County Health System in upstate New York is one such hospital that is under this mandate for the vaccine. State law says that hospital employees have until September 27th to get their first dose of the vaccine.
If they don’t get the vaccine, they can’t work.

The maternity unit already has staff shortages, with at least six resignations so far, while seven other staff members have expressed unwillingness to be vaccinated.
NBC News
They can’t safely operate a maternity floor with such a shortage of nurses, so they are going to have no choice but to close up shop until further notice.

Maternity services may just be the first of several areas of the hospital seeing closures.
Hospital administrators are working on “contingency plans” in case more mass resignations put other essential services at risk.
NBC News
You might be thinking, “Why don’t the nurses just claim an exemption?”

The state of NY does not allow for religious exemptions for healthcare workers ever since the measles outbreak of 2019.
Now, if a person had a previous severe reaction to a vaccine, or they are straight up allergic to the vaccine, they can claim a medical exemption. But, to do so, they would need to get that certified by a licensed physician or certified nurse practitioner.

And, the rules for vaccines are about to get a bit tougher.
President Joe Biden announced Thursday that his administration would issue sweeping vaccination mandates at the federal level. Employees working in health care facilities that are reimbursed by Medicare or Medicaid will be required to be vaccinated, Biden said.
NBC News

So, I suppose we are going to see even more hospitals closing down much needed services due to this nursing crisis.
COVID! Just stop already. I’m so done with you.