Amber Heard’s Team Has Closing Arguments and Try to Say Johnny Depp is A Monster
Earlier today Johnny Depp’s team issued their closing statements and now it’s Amber Heard’s legal team’s turn.
During the closing arguments, Mr. Rottenborn spoke on Amber Heard’s behalf.
He referenced the questions the jury will have to answer and says:
The burden of proof. It’s Mr .Depp’s burden to prove each and every one of these elements. If he cannot, Ms. Heard wins.
Her attorney was basically trying to say that if they cannot answer ‘Yes’ to all the questions, Amber Heard wins.
He tries to say that even if Johnny ever was abusive – – physically or emotionally even once, Amber wins.
Her attorney also tried to deny the Op-Ed written by Amber Heard was even written by Amber Heard. Even though, they have provided evidence of a tweet Amber Heard made herself claiming she wrote it.
They are trying to say that if he abused her one time, Amber wins.
They really try to make it seem like Johnny Depp is an awful, vial human being that is abusive and violent.
I am pretty sure everyone can see the evidence didn’t support anything Amber Heard’s attorney said today but we will see what the Jury decides.