Captain Marvel’s Butt is Flat–But Why Do You Care?!
A couple of months ago, this ridiculous photo came out that has left me with a burr up my butt regarding the comments made about the actress, Brie Larson, that’s playing Captain Marvel in the movie Captain Marvel coming out next weekend.
And I just can’t move past the trolls. For real.
It’s like this amazing, freaking cool movie. Lead by this amazing, drool-worthy woman who is going to make for one of the leading characters in the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU for those of you who are not major nerds about their MARVEL hero universe of comics and movies).
And, then there’s this ridiculous photo that I even hate to freaking post, but it’s the whole point of the post, so here I am being part of the problem, showing you the hated
Like. For. Real.
And there are whole memes about this particular butt and how Brie Larson’s rear-end isn’t as “full” and “fluffy” as, say Tom Holland’s.
Let that sink in for a second.
This killer, awesome, world-saving, AMAZING superhero WHO HAPPENS TO BE A GIRL, is being trolled behind the scenes by thousands because she’s blessed with a beautiful body that isn’t bottomed-out with a big-ole bubble that comes with a certain body type.
That’s bull crap on a stick is what it is.
Because, at the boiled-down base of it all, this is just another form of shaming. This is butt-shaming. Like fat-shaming, skinny-shaming and just all-around-crappy-shaming. And tearing people down for things that, at the root, are stupid.
No, really, look at Brie Larson, for a minute. She’s gorgeous, she’s powerful, and she’s being butt-shamed?! WTF.
And it’s not like it’s stopped with the memes.
No, MARVEL (who I love with all my heart, so this is just me ranting–not telling those good-ole execs to stop making amazing movies, but asking them to please take their heads out of their–um, butts), as a result of this butt-shaming on Brie Larson has gone out of it’s way on Avengers 4: End Game to get themselves a Butt Double for one of the actresses.
YEP. Now, I totally get having a stunt-double, because if I were paying someone a million dollars to act, I would not want them to be the ones jumping off buildings and crashing cars.
BUT A BUTT DOUBLE?! W. T. Actual. F.?!
Why do you care? Well, for one, we need to be, as a society, NOT tearing people down.
What kind of world are we raising our kids in where we are literally trolling a woman because she’s rocking the butt her momma gave her?
But, it’s more than that.
We’re building the wrong expectations here.
Every day, with all the troll-comments and the snide remarks, we’re telling our daughters, our friends and all the girls and women of now and tomorrow that having a bubble-butt is more important than being an amazing character in a story that shows girls that they can be a superhero–that they can be their own superhero and save the world in their own way.
So. Here’s the takeaway I have for the major characters in this little mess:
- MARVEL, don’t give-in to this ridiculous butt-shaming and keep the ladies’ butts just the way they are–that’s stupid to replace them with something more bouncy.
- Brie Larson, don’t listen to that crap, you’re amazing–and your butt is yours so it’s amazing, too. Do not ever stop standing-up for your amazing buttness.
Now, for the fans of the MCU, I won’t ever give you crap or argue with you about your opinions of the films in the MCU.
Nope, I sincerely will let you enjoy or not-enjoy as you wish. But back the eff-up about beating on the actresses. Because you bunch of boys just sound like you’re jealous your little sister is getting some spotlight.
If you’re seriously just sour-grapes about the newest badass being a girl, you have another thing coming.
At least 50% of your ancestors were women (don’t believe me, I’ll wait while you do the math). That means that at least 50% of the superheroes and characters in our beloved MCU should be women–and, reasonably, some should be rockstar powerful, just like some of the dudes are rockstar powerful.
To date, we’ve had no women that stand-alone in the MCU movies OR that are rockstar powerful (think about it…not one has superpowers in her own standalone movie). That’s sad and I think we’re all ready for a change.
If you remember anything about Stan Lee it was that he wanted to show us the world in a better light, with better visions of ourselves and our ability to be human.
And he did that through diversity in his characters.
Do not degrade his dream and vision of our future–don’t tear down his hard work.
Her butt is not her superpower.
So get over it.
Now go and figure out who’s hotter, Thor or Aquaman?
Articles like this are pure cancer; and no im not talking about your astrology sign.
The point is: If there is one of the most unnessecary superheroes in the movie just for the sake of including an overpowered superwoman (who is as lame as Superman btw), she might as well have a nice bottom.
“both of these butts look rockin'”
Literally everyone: no. no they do not.
I like how your actually trigered. Dont bring stan into this, he would draw a big butt in the comics
Omg it’s how the suit makes it look if you see her in endgame she ain’t looking too. Bad. Also the rest of the movie it dosent look too bad
People always judge women (and men) for their bodies, but the big reason people made such a big stink about it is because Brie Larson has made it a point to be recognized for being insufferable, rude, and condescending in her public commentary. People always like taking someone down a peg.
Idk who the hipster t*** waffle who wrote this “article ” is but the world would be better off with fewer of her… 1 – this movie (and all of the MCU) is woke trash. 2- the t*** waffle who plays Capt marvel is woke hipster trash 3 – women can be strong leading roles without being woke hipster trash (see Linda Carter).
Admittedly the girl who plays Capt marvel is hot physically, but that is completely overshadowed by her being… wait for it… woke hipster trash… such as the case I wouldn’t touch her with Michael Obama’s dork..
PLEASE marvel – get back to being entertainment not virtual signaling excrement.
The original Captain Marvel was a male character and was only made female because Marvel gave into the feminists/snowflakes that demand more women, black and gay characters. If they want characters different than the traditional ones, CREATE NEW CHARACTERS! I enjoyed the movie and honestly had no issue with this somewhat obscure character being cast as a female, but there is even talk of making a female or black James Bond. Want a black spy, simply create a new character! But I’m getting off point. If we can change Captain Marvel to a woman, we can use a butt double for said character. It works both ways! We also don’t need to impose quotas on the marvel universe where we need as many female as male characters either.
MCU does not stand for Marvel Comic universe, you fucking idiot. It stands for Marvel Cinematic Universe. You insulted the people reading with your phrase (MCU stands for Marvel Comic Universe for all of you that aren’t nerds). Not to mention in the midst of insulting your readers, your information is inaccurate. You’re an uneducated fuck card and you shouldn’t be anywhere near a job that includes writing of any sort. Moron
Insecure about your masculinity, or just like to curse single point errors while ignoring the big picture and point of the story? Is that how you watch your movies and live your life? Try opening your mind and seeing the amazing universe for what it is, rather than standing out like a sore thumb covered in your own negativity.
Not sure if you ever tried the gym with statements such as: “she’s blessed with a beautiful body that isn’t bottomed-out with a big-ole bubble that comes with a certain body type.”
I was a skeleton myself (male) with no butt whatsoever. Working out fixed that; you know your butt is a muscle you can train? Calling it a body type thing is lame af and wrong.
She has a very beautiful face. Her body is a little awkward though. And she has toenail fungus which completely kills it for me. She has almost every picture that you see on the red carpet. Her toenails are brown and thick
While in essence, I agree with you, your own anger and bigotry undermine your points. You should consider getting a better editor. FYI, making statements like:
“A dude definitley wrote the meme caption, obviously–because as a heterosexual female, both of these butts look rockin’…”
That’s not any better than anything you’re accusing other people of doing. Just saying.
I liked this article, but good point.
In relation to the true PG movie spirit, I am allowed around two f bombs, and I will save them for the proper time.
Are you joking. Are you seriously joking. I have seriously just laughed at that. You spent the entirety of the article berating sexual interest in Brie Larson (or lack thereof). Literally the ENTIRE article, to the last word, was pointing out the way sexualizing (insert female) characters is dick-stomping the memory of poor Stan Lee – and the face of feminism – simultaneously. Honestly, there cannot be a clearer message than yours in this article – don’t feel the need to sexualize these beloved characters. Which is perfectly fine, respectable even, if not for the complete undermining of one thing, this is only meant to be applied for the female sex. Yes, your crusade for female respect is in actuality a bible of severe leftist cacoethes loquendi. It was quite surprising that the issue of racial bias was never mentioned, or even the issue of xenophobia, despite the fact that the three are not unrelated.
No, this was merely a rant, a rant most likely expelling misplaced rage (and I am perfectly calm right now, besides how upset reading this trash heap makes me) because the sexualization of characters has existed since the characters themselves, and extends far beyond the realm of Spiderman and Captain Marvel. This extends to characters of different skin tones. But that was never mentioned. This extends to characters of different nationalities. But that was never mentioned. This even extends to characters of different species. But THAT was never mentioned. Because it doesn’t suit your argument.
What does suit your argument is the fiery suit of emotion, because there was no logic behind it. I mean, look at this sentence (this will tell the message of the article all on its own) –
‘ Her butt is not her superpower.
So get over it.
Now go and figure out who’s hotter, Thor or Aquaman?” ‘
I hope to all that is good and true that the last sentence of your article was a shred of irony, a pathetic, pleading sliver of a joke, whose only mercy resides in those with pity in the deepest crevices of their souls. Because if that was done on purpose to better the article, the article was better left undone. It is DISGUSTING, that the entire article is undermined by such an innocent thing. Because YOU ARE SEXUALIZING PEOPLE. YOU ARE UNRAVELING YOUR ENTIRE MESSAGE BY DOING THAT YOU IDIOT. But it’s fine if it’s a lowly, stupid MALE isn’t it? It’s fine if IT has a DICK right, because they’re less than a person RIGHT? Because the only beautiful thing left amongst an entire world of rapists and pedophiles is the incomparable female body, and that is the only message that should EVER be stressed, because FUCK racial equality and immigrant prejudice and poverty and hunger and animal abuse and world peace, RIGHT? ONLY GENDER MATTERS, RIGHTTTTT? No. On behalf of all those who TRULY need awareness:
Fuck you.
Thank u I couldnt have said it better. Seriously it is painful. Thank you your comment literally calmed me after reading this terrible filth of an article. Sheesh, 2019 is a confusing time of anger and false empowerment of silliness.
“Her butt is not her superpower.
So get over it.”
Not a superpower, but a physical quality, which may look irrelevant from a superfluous point of view, but(t) isnt. why? 😉
physical qualities are correlated with physical skills, and also patterns of behavior. when comic writers, or any other kind of writer, creates a character, he or she designs the character in relation to a story he or she wants to tell, and so their physical appearance is a big part of it: it not the same story whe a character starts fat and weak, and the becomes super powerful, even when still looking fat and weak, to a story where a character looks “hot” and athletic and the is far more powerful than what they look. For that reason, ironically, the point you are trying to defend, becomes the one you dont get: their looks and body type matters, because is a reflection of their unique problems and weaknesses. “Hot” and strong characters frequently are made to also tell stories about the dangers of becoming overconfident and arrogant (which is a common trope; read about tropes, and maybe start reading psychology rather than sociology).
in most cases, in the universe of super heroes its explained how different forces exist, and if magic exists is usually something different to “super powers” (which thanks to superman, spiderman, and the xmen have been popularized as “unique genetic mutations”: superman comes from a more evolve humanoid race, parker became spiderman somehow from a mutation after a bite from a spider, and the xmen are new types of humans). Those with super powers still relate and depend on physical limitations of the universe, unlike characters who can use magic (usually explained or justified as consequence of “spirit energy” or “energy from an alternate universe”).
Captain Marvel isnt a “strong woman” in the feminist sense that many are trying to hijack: she was and is a strong woman, in the same sense both super man and batman are strong men (superman is also a tale of a teenager becoming a man from learning to understand humans and trying to keep his origins hidden to reduce trouble to the people he likes and supports him, while batman is about a man who lost his childhood and became obsessed with improving himself to deal with his own darkness and that of his own city).
Im not a big fan of comics, but if you cant grasp the most basic aspects of the characters, you shouldnt try to defend one just for political reasons and misconceptions you have.
I can’t get past the fact that you called her “badass” while defending her “bad ass.” A slip, perhaps? It’s a funny choice of words, either way!
As for characters, few have ever really cared for this one, and with Brie’s hateful (if not stupid) comments towards other groups (one of which she’s actually a part), fewer and fewer are interested in this film. The simple fact is that she’s making it difficult for people to enjoy a film without the agenda and Marvel will suffer for not reigning in her comments and making her offer up a sincere apology.
Battle Angel Alita is the film everyone–especially women–ahould be supporting because it has a genuinely sincere heroine with power surpassed only by her heart. Unlike Brie and apparently her film, Alita and its creators aren’t motivated by any extreme political crap or agendas.
Brie is a member of the most entitled group on this Earth. It’s ridiculous that she claims to be speaking against that very same thing. The reason her butt isn’t that big must be because it all went to her mouth, which she obviously cannot control.
Tons of people have loved Carol Danvers for decades and her popularity soared (pun intended) to major new heights after the 2012 rebranding with a new costume, the new Captan Marvel title and getting Kelly Sue Deconick to write it. She’s beloved. And the movie made Scrooge McDuck piles of money.
Also, Battle Angel Alita is unwatchable with that nightmarish facial CG.
Like you could make CGI look good on film, don’t disrespect people work that took hours of labor, just some hack off the streets can slander it. I didn’t think I was going to like the film Alita:Battle Angel, then I saw it I loved it because it appealed to me and I appreciate the work that VFX artist’s do. I read your article on Captain Marvel, which by the way you know nothing about comics, who cares about the butt. If she got a butt double or not whatever. Can’t wait to hear your childish comment.
Yet if Thor was 5’6 y’all would have a field day trolling him
Double standards