
Thor Vs. Aquaman: Who’s Hotter?

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From time to time, we have to answer the hard questions. The ones that really matter. And today is one of those days. We are a nation divided, people, and I think it’s time we decide.

in this Thor vs. Aquaman debate, who's the hotter one?

Thor or Aquaman–Who’s hotter?

Full disclosure I just got home from Aquaman. So that’s where we start. I could watch Jason Mamoa walk out of the ocean all day…

Aquaman is chisled perfection with hot tattoos

But Thor is an actual alien from outer space.

Thor is the hottest alien we've ever seen

Their smiles will melt even the coldest of hearts.

a smile and a wink from Thor will melt even the most evil heart

It’s a dead tie for me.

Aquaman just has to smile and we'll melt into the ocean

When it comes to brotherly love, they both kind of got the short end of the stick.

who wins in the thor vs aquaman hottness debate

But to be fair, Thor’s brother is one of the best anti-heroes of all time.

Thor's brother, Loki, does give Thor an advantage

Oh Loki, bestill my heart.

Loki is Thor's perfect partner in crime

They both saved the world from an impending apocalypse.

We'll swim for Aquaman any day of the week

But I think Thor’s got the upper hand, he’s done it several times.

If Thor's good looks could save the world, we'd all be safe and sound

I do enjoy watching them kick back a couple of beers.

we'd love to have a beer with Thor

But hanging with his dad makes Aquaman win bro-time hands down.

:et's grab a drink with aquaman and see where the night goes

And we can’t forget Aquaman’s girlfriend, the Little Mermaid, er, I mean Mera. Although, I am not so sure she’s helping the hotness.

Of course, rumor has it that Thor and his ladylove broke up.

we're perfectly fine with being thor's heartbroken rebound love

Which means he’s on the market…

And some people just couldn’t decide, so they tried a little switcheroo.

It’s a dead time for me. Which means I am leaving it up to you to decide. So, who is it? Who’s the hotter hero?

the aquaman love for Jason Mamoa is real

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  1. Personally i think that aqua man is hotter even in terms of the body??but damn i love Thor’s caring nature and his Australian accent…it makes me weak in the knees?

  2. They are both a Hottie but when Aquaman ‘AKA’ (Jason Momoa) come out of the water I was like dang I won’t me a piece of that.

  3. I liked Jason Momoa very much but i vote for Chris Hemsworth.

    I find him hotter and he has a more universal aopeal

    Only woman Who do like manly Men like Jason meanwhile Chris appeals woman of either taste in Men.

    But speaking Just of me like i prefer the deep voice with an australian accent?

    A little out of topic but can you make the same post for All the MCU and DCEU heroes?

    This would be by one on ones hotness battles left

    Robert Downey Jr vs Ben Afleck
    Chris Evans vs Henry Cavil
    Ezra Miller vs Tom Holland
    Gal Gadot vs Brie Larson
    Amber Heard vs Scarlet Johansson

  4. Uhhhhh such a tough choice. I love my dreamy Australian hunk Chris Hemsworth but Momoa is a five course Hawaiian meal. Khal Drogo has won my heart. He is my sun and stars.

  5. It was a hard choice as I have always loved Thor, however, after watching Aquahunk I came home and cleaned for 2 hours.

    I would have to say Aquaman is the hottest thing in the oceans right now.

  6. Chris Hemsworth doesn’t even get a look In Jason momoa is way hotter