You Can Crochet a Blanket That Looks Like a Bouquet of Roses When Folded
As Valentine’s day and Mother’s Day is approaching, we all know that rose bouquets will be flying off the shelves soon enough.
But rather than snagging a bouquet of roses that will ultimately die in the next few weeks after the day of love, how about getting your loved one a bouquet of flowers that will never die?
Thanks to Etsy shop owner @LittleArtsyAloe, you can crochet a blanket that turns into a bouquet of roses just in time for Valentine’s Day!
But how does it turn into a rose bouquet you ask?
When the blanket is folded, you can count on this uniquely shaped blanket to look similar to the rose bouquets you might find at the flower shop!
And thanks to the PDF that you can download online, you can crochet this blanket with your own two hands, and gift it to your loved one just in time for Valentine’s Day.
I think this would also be perfect for Mother’s Day too!
So not only does this blanket turn into a rose bouquet that will never die, but you can also snuggle up on the couch with the same blanket after unraveling it!
You can currently download the PDF on Etsy here, to crochet this blanket before Valentine’s Day!